MSIA Global Ministers Meetings have proven to be a wonderful and joy-filled experience, not only for the pleasure of hearing and feeling the chanting and connecting with friends.
Our Traveler & Leigh are scheduled to attend, health and schedule permitting.
This event is English with simultaneous Spanish Translation.
Prerequisites: Must be an MSIA Minister in Good Standing | Current subscription to Discourses or current subscription to SATs if you have completed Discourse #144. To renew your Discourses or SAT Subscription, email or call +1 (323) 737-4055 and ask to speak to someone in the Products and Services Department.
Date and Time: Sunday, December 17, 2023
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT Ministers Meeting
11:00 am – 11:30 am PT Break
11:30 am – 1:30 pm PT Communion
Event Location: Asilomar Conference Grounds
800 Asilomar Ave, Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Here are the preparation for the Communion instructions from PTS (if participating online):
“MSIA ministers are welcome to participate from your homes in the communion portion of Living In Grace. You may prepare your own Matzoh, communion wafers, crackers, bread, etc. and juice or water to do this informal Communion service at home. Please follow all instructions from John Morton as he shares of this sacred process during the Communion.”
Participate In-Person
Tuition In-Person: Complimentary
In-Person Registration: Required
Participate Online
Tuition Online: Complimentary
Online Registration: NOT required. Simply go to at the time of the meeting and sign in to your dashboard to access the meeting. There is no cap to the number of online participants.
Questions About This Event? Email or call +1 (323) 737-4055
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