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Mystic Christ: Embodying Living Love

November 28, 2022
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
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2022-11-29 01:00
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Take the attitude that

no matter where you look,

no matter what you see,

it is a manifestation of love.

That which you see

is love in front of you.

Love may be many different sizes,

shapes, and forms,

but it is all love.

John-Roger, DSS


The divine feminine and divine masculine energies are one in Christ. We know that love is all, and that all we need is love, and while living those ideas takes practice and commitment, paradoxically, is not based in time. It is available here and now. The act of living love or living loving, exists in both the ordinary day-to-day and the transcendent levels. In Christ we live in both worlds.

This class will explore how we can live life as the Christ. It awaits us. It is our heritage. To enter it we love as Lord Jesus did, unconditionally. There is so much to discover. I hope you will join me in the vortex of energy that is the Light, love, and Sound of God, as we take this journey of a lifetime, together.

Jesus said, ā€œRemain in me,ā€Æ as I remain in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruitā€Æ on its own unless it remains on the vine, so neitherā€Æ canā€Æ you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.ā€ ā€œAsā€Æ the Father loves me, so I also love you. Remain in my love.ā€ John 15: 4ā€“5, 9 (NIV)

All classes are recorded and can be accessed live or viewed later at your own pace for at least a year after you register.

Facilitated by Paul Kaye.

An 8- Week Class, Mondays, starting November 7.Ā There will no classes on December 12 (Living in Grace), December 26, and January 2, 2023.Ā 

Registration Contact: Stella Estevez/Stellaestevez@msia.org

Register Here

Chapter One: Praying Unceasingly

Chapter Two: The Practice of Blessing Each Moment

Chapter Three: The Blessing of Temptation

Chapter Four: Running from Silence

Chapter Five: The Downside of Being a Sage

Chapter Six: The Beatitudes

Chapter Seven: Resurrection

Chapter Eight: Presence

Live Class Dates: Mondays, November 7, 2022 – January 16, 2023, 5:00 pm-7:00 pm, PT. (Recordings can be accessed any time to fit your schedule)
Tuition:Ā $200
Prerequisites:Ā None – Open to all
Questions about the class?:Ā Email Paul Kaye atĀ paulkaye@msia.org

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