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Spiritual Alchemy: Transformation, Transmutation, Transcendence

January 13, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM PST
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2025-01-14 01:00
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Learning is no longer enough. 
We must transform ourselves – 
enlighten and spiritualize ourselves. 
We must regenerate and 
become the new being 
in the very thing that keeps us alive – 
the essence and energy of God. 

John-Roger, DSS 

Spiritual Alchemy: Transformation, Transmutation, Transcendence, is a profound journey of inner transformation. At its core, spiritual alchemy is about transforming the “base metals” of our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions into the “gold” of higher consciousness. 

This process involves recognizing and transmuting our personality-driven impulses, fears, and limitations into wisdom, love, and joy. It’s an invitation to harmonize the inner and outer world, bringing the two into unity. 

Alchemists believed in the inherent divinity within all of the cosmos. Spiritual alchemy is about awakening to this divine presence within us and embracing and experiencing our connection to Oneness, where separation and alienation dissolve into a sacred integrity. 

Find those tricks that work for you, and then work them. 
Living on this planet is sometimes tricky. 
Why not be a great magician? Be an alchemist, and transform negativity into loving. 
It’s possible. 

John-Roger, DSS

Often referred to as the Magnum Opus or the Great Work, spiritual alchemy involves a series of processes or stages that bring to Light our evolving growth and awareness. Each stage helps us shed layers of conditioning, heal the wounds of trauma and separation, and reveal the “gold” of our true nature. 

Spiritual alchemy requires humbleness and an open heart. It’s a recognition that transformation is not forced; rather, it unfolds through love, acceptance, and a willingness to see the sacred in all aspects of life. 

The journey of spiritual alchemy is a personal one. In this class we will embrace and honor our process with curiosity and love, and let Spirit guide us toward a deeper understanding of our true self and our place in the universe. Please join us for this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, transformation, and awakening – a perfect antidote for our times. 

One day, you may realize that you have become the alchemist of your own being 
and that the gold of your being is present. 
That is not gold like we think of gold metal here. It is much rarer. 
You can eat of it and drink of it, and it will sustain you through anything. 
It is the gold of that spiritual form that you are. 

John-Roger, DSS 

All classes are recorded and can be accessed live, or viewed later at your own pace for at least a year after you register.

Course Outline: 

Week 1: The Origins and Principles: From Thoth to Hermes Trismegistus 
Week 2: The Alchemical Trinity: Sulphur, Mercury, Salt 
Week 3: The Base Metals: Understanding Limitations 
Week 4: The Elements and the Philosopher’s Stone 
Week 5: The Marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine 
Week 6: The Alchemical Process 
Week 7: Sharing with John Morton 
Week 8: The Alchemy of Health and Longevity 
Week 9: The Living Philosophy: Integration and Wholeness 

Facilitated by Paul Kaye and Jeffrey Morgan 

Live Class Dates: Monday, January 13, 20, 27; February 10, 17, 24; March 10, 17, 24.  (Recordings can be accessed any time to fit your schedule)
Time of live classes: Mondays at 5:00 pm PT – 7:00 pm PT
Tuition: $200
Prerequisites: None
Questions about the class? Email Paul Kaye at paulkaye@msia.org

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