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The Power of Love

October 11, 2023
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Know that you are love and experience the Power of Love in this five-week PTS Class. Using John-Rogerā€™s seminar of the same title, weā€™ll explore the ways that loving is present in our lives while practicing techniques for accessing our love in any moment and knowing the loving essence of who we are.

ā€œLove does not destroy and it doesnā€™t allow destruction so anyone residing in the power of love cannot be destroyed, cannot be separated, is always free and always growing. There is no reason to wait for love to appear in your life when it can be present right now.ā€ – John-Roger, DSS

Date and Time: October 11 – November 8
3:30 PM – 5:30 PM PT, Wednesdays (Los Angeles, CA)

Participate Online

Format: 5-weeks
Online Tuition: $50.00
Online Registration: Required.
Karen Berry Powell | karenberrypowell@gmail.com

Traveler Sharing Invite(s): This class includes invitations to Traveler Sharing with John Morton for the PTS Undergraduate Program.*

*Health and schedule permitting.

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