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A Moment of Peace from Ostia Antica, Italy
A Moment of Peace with the Beloved at the U.S. Capitol
A Moment of Peace: Pick Up Your Life
A Moment of Peace at Walden Pond
A Moment of Peace from the Conference of Joy, Fun and Laughter (Jun. 2022)
A Moment of Peace | Love Your Soul
A Moment of Peace | The Efficiency of Harmony
A Moment of Peace from Madrid, Spain October 1997
A Moment of Peace from Machu Picchu, Peru
A Moment of Peace | Forgiveness & the Spanish Inquisition Madrid, Spain September 2017
A Moment of Peace | John-Roger and Spiritual Warriors In Europe June 2008
A Moment of Peace from Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska
A Moment of Peace | Initiation of the Planet
A Moment of Peace | Love is the Risk Towards Freedom
A Moment of Peace | A State of Grace
A Moment of Peace | Transfiguration to God
A Moment of Peace | As You Place Yourself in Consciousness
A Moment of Peace | "It is Good..."
A Moment of Peace | The Energy of Life & Spiritual Exercises
A Moment of Peace | A Consciousness that Transcends Everything
A Moment of Peace | The Consciousness of Heaven on Earth
A Moment of Peace | Stepping Back from Contraction
A Moment of Peace | Qualities of Heaven on Earth
A Moment of Peace | Opening to the One Who Knows