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Effective Relationships
Nine Magic Words for the Divine Lover
The Movement Philosophy and Education vs. Deception and Lust
Are You Unconditionally Loving Your Relationships? (Jan. '91)
Who Is Your Life Based On?
December 2010 SAT | Taking Care of Your Beloved (May '72)/The Spiritual Path of Loving (June '72)
Does Feeling Clear Make it Right?
Mending a Broken Heart?
Physician, Heal Thyself! (Jan. '71)
September 1984 SAT | Social-Sexual Behavior
Is There a Romantic Ideal?
Can a Marriage Be Threatened in the Family of God?
John-Roger on How To Be Your Own Divine Valentine
John-Roger on Relationships
The Four Steps To Intimacy
Contractual Relationships
Psychic-Sexual Energies
The Spiritual Marriage
Sexual-spiritual Responsibilities and the Hoo Chant
Hilarious Spiritual Sexuality
Keeping Relationships Wholly/Holy
J-R Demonstrates Effective Communication
Nine Answers to Strengthening Relationships
Five Ways to Deepen Your Relationship