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Walking with the Lord (Audio book) | All Chapters
December 1994 SAT | Basic Instructions for Spiritual Exercises (Nov. '70)
A Moment of Peace | The Energy of Life & Spiritual Exercises
Honoring Yourself and Others (June '94)
The Unconscious Kingdom
Into Illumination and Enlightenment
June 2021 SAT | Keys to Spiritual Exercises, the Traveler and Enduring to the End (July '77)
March 1986 SAT | Words of Wisdom for Spiritual Exercises
February 1986 SAT | J-R Explains Some Subtleties Of S.E.’s
January 1986 SAT | SEs - Cleaning Up The Inner Environment
October 1985 SAT | How Do You Keep the Faith?
Practical Keys To Doing S.E.’s
1. A Guide for Spiritual Exercises
2. A Guide for Spiritual Exercises
Initiation: Molding the Golden Chalice
Blessings, Prayers and Invocations
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
What’s Your First Support System?
Voices of the Inner World - Part2
From Contemplation, Meditation, Spiritual Exercise Through Heaven’s Gate
The Golden Thread of Divinity
1. Human Spiritual Rights | from the 'Soul Journey through Spiritual Exercises' Collection.
3. Meditation For Soul Travel (audio) | from the 'Soul Journey through Spiritual Exercises' Collection
2. The H-U Chant and Breathing Exercises (audio) | from the 'Soul Journey through Spiritual Exercises' Collection.