Mystical Traveler - A Direct Line to God TWI Premium
TWI Premium
Here's a seminar that contains the answers to some questions you may have been asking yourself. In it, John-Roger starts off by saying, "There are a lot of guesses about what I do, because I keep it shrouded in mystery. And the reason it's mysterious is because I work in an invisible plane of existence for the most part." "Let me just give you a sense of how that looks," he continues, "There are three parts of me present. One part is physical and you can see that. And if I look around at you, I see that one part of you is visible. Now, if that's all there were to you, then we're in trouble. There are two parts that can't be seen. One is the mind. The third part above that is the spiritual part. It's even more invisible, but there's proof of it existing. When you go to sleep at night it's the one that wakes you up in the morning. And when you're heart-broken and you know you're going to die, it's the one that won't let you." 7127