Levels of Light - A Road Map (June '83) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
This John-Roger seminar, first released in 2013, was given in Anchorage, Alaska. In it, J-R speaks of his awakening to Spirit through the car accident and subsequent death experience that gave him the opportunity to experience other realms. J-R begins, “The information I’m going to give you is what we call in a lot of academic circles, ‘crazy.’ And what we call in metaphysical circles, ‘way out.’ And what we call it in the United States ‘practical spirituality.’ You can insert any of your own reference points because it’s rather universal.”
“I was told, when I was out of the body,” he says,” ‘You’re going to receive this mantle of the Sound Current and the Light. And it’s going to be called the Mystical Traveler.’ And I said, ‘What’ll I do with all this?’ And they said, ‘Well, when you go back into the body, then you will learn what that is as you live it.’ ”
J-R tells of the many strange experiences he had before he left the hospital, and stories of his life of Spirit since that time. Then he speaks of the present life we all experience. “We look at our society,” he says, “and we see that maybe there are a few things that could be changed in it. Always and forever, the first point of change in the evolution of mankind is done individually as we turn back into the source of our own well beingness where the river of life comes forward. And we drink at that fountain. I’m not saying we worship there. We just drink there. Because, as long as you’re in your physical body in those inner worlds, you’re still stuck to the karma that’s on the planet. And you still have to fulfill it, to the last part of the karma. But we have found out through Soul Transcendence — by moving the energy back into the Soul — you then can exteriorize by following the Sound Current on the realms of consciousness that are more refined than what you’re on here.”
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