1. Living the Highest Good | from the ‘Living the Highest Good’ Collection TWI Premium
TWI Premium
From the ‘Living the Highest Good’ Collection.
Produced for the 2019 Conference of the Highest Good, this collection contains 26 video excerpts divided into 4 chapters and 24 audio excerpts combined into a one-hour long compilation. In these great works, John-Roger shares wisdom about living our lives and doing the best we can to create the greatest good for ourselves and others. In this collection, perhaps you’ll find answers towards finding your own highest good.
Chapter 1. What is the Highest Good? - “If you make a commitment and
keep your word, something beautiful happens inside of you.”
Chapter 2. Careful What You Ask for… - “That whole process of doing what you do, is what we use to have success. So when you use it to have failure, it works that way also.”
Chapter 3. Participate - “MSIA brings you automatically into confrontation with what you're not at peace with. And when you move to your Spirit, the peace is there.
Chapter 4. Greater Good - “Have the strength to overcome your personal adversity, and be a Light unto the Lord.”
If you’d like to purchase the entire collection for offline use, click here.