February 2011 SAT | Being Yourself Through Loving (May '75) TWI Premium
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TWI Premium
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John-Roger says about our lives, “In our fabric there’s a gold thread of awareness that we refer to as God, or Spirit, or we could call it love. And that golden thread always says inside you, ‘You know what it is that you do. You know if you’re saying things that you shouldn’t. You know if you’re involved in things you shouldn’t do.’ And that knowing produces a thing after we’ve done it, called guilt.”
This is a seminar about loving and about the choices we make that interfere with our loving. One of those choices we call lust — that desire level in our walking-around existence that wants to have what it wants. “Lust brings us experience,” J-R says, “and without that, we might not experience some of the nice things. And at the same time, we might be further ahead if we didn’t experience some of those things.”
“Once you’ve done something in a consciousness of love, it will take place,” J-R continues. “That’s probably the only thing that you can’t be denied in Spirit, is asking in love.” In this precious seminar, J-R will teach you why bringing loving to your life is for your Highest Good, and he’ll teach you how to love.
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here.