February 2010 SAT | Keeping Love at Home (Nov. '72) TWI Premium
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TWI Premium
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John-Roger begins this inspiring seminar with an invocation for loving in our homes and with our immediate and extended families. “The Soul will respond to love,” he says. “It will not respond to anything else.”
After presenting the ideal of a loving home, J-R then talks about how often we wish to express the depths of our loving only to find it misrepresented in some way. Isn’t that closer to the reality of our homes? How easy it is to misrepresent our own loving with impatience or irritations. And how hard it is to be a consistently loving husband or wife or parent. Well, this seminar helps. And, as J-R says, “Nobody said it was going to be easy.”
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)