Keys to Liberation (Feb. '77) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
This is a lively seminar in which John-Roger offers letters, jokes and stories (even one involving Marilyn Monroe) that add together into a recipe for living a life of freedom (with a little self-discipline thrown in). So if you feel like you’ve been hiding out from life’s scary parts, this seminar is likely to show you the way to more satisfying self-expression, teach you something about relationships with yourself and others, and add to your user’s manual for living on the planet.
Here’s that enlightening Marilyn story. “Years ago, when I was pretty young,” J-R says, “we had a Marilyn Monroe type in our town — not that I’m saying that Marilyn Monroe was bad. One day the lady was walking down the street as my mother and father and I were in the car. I looked at her I said, ‘Are her ankles broken?’ My dad said, ‘No son, she’s just got a swing.’ My mother said, ‘And you stay out of it or you’ll fall out and break your neck.’ ”
J-R continues, “I was completely naive on some levels and I didn’t know the lady was advertising. But my mother spoke the ultimate truth, ‘Stay out of it; you can’t handle it.’ I’ve since extrapolated that statement to other situations in life. It is the ability to recognize the things you’re dealing with, what you’re working with, and then the wit to say, ‘I’d like it but I can’t afford it.’ ”
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)