The Profoundness of the Loving Heart TWI Premium
TWI Premium
In this seminar, given during his birthday celebration, John-Roger shares some of the details of an accident he experienced during the 1993 group trip to Alaska. He also recounts a boat accident on the Nile in Egypt. In each case, there was an opportunity to learn again that all is for the highest good.
J-R observes, “When we start to find out that we are love, we also seek to find that one out there, who will accentuate, cooperate, stir awake the loving inside of us. We marry them. And then fight with them to change them. Because that cute thing that they did before you got married, is now a real pain in the neck and they got to stop it or else.” That’s about relationships.
J-R says of our existence on the planet, “The whole process that we go through here is based profoundly upon the heart. And not the heart that hurts but the heart that has the wisdom to know how much to love, when to love, and when to back off.”
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