June 1991 SAT | Voices Out of Africa TWI Premium
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TWI Premium
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Speaking during a group visit to Masai Mara, Kenya, John-Roger uses his sword of truth to speak plainly about self-importance and how it prevents our spiritual growth.
J-R starts by saying, "Tonight around this campfire, it's very easy to be peaceful because there's nothing here really that could disturb you. And you're all here because you selected yourself here and because it was spiritually clear for you to participate in this for your own unfoldment." From there, J-R shines a Light on the habit of self importance and how to overcome it.
"You have a choice there," J-R says. "...Self possessed and upset and angry, or possessing yourself and giving forward to everything you do. And that's gonna' be caught up in your attitude."
J-R is addressing difficult issues but even so, the peace of the African plain seeps through the recording. "The silence of Africa is really beautiful, isn't it?" he says. And so it is.
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