Health is Loving Who You Really Are (March '82) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
“That energy called ‘love’ started making a path down through the lower worlds…and the most profound thing I found out about this is that it’s no more present in one person than it is in another person. And it allows each person to do with it what they will.”
With that observation, John-Roger begins a seminar in which he shows how we corrupt the life-sustaining energy of love with anger, rejection, blame, etc.—those experiences which lead to our dis-ease. He describes how these negative energies (and negative habits) get into the body and what they do once they’ve found a home there.
John-Roger doesn’t leave us there, though; he says: “If you could truly flush your system with loving energy…get the system clean…you’d be in health and it would radiate out from you as life-giving energy.” In this important seminar, he shows us how.“That energy called ‘love’ started making a path down through the lower worlds…and the most profound thing I found out about this is that it’s no more present in one person than it is in another person. And it allows each person to do with it what they will.”
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)