Are You Driving or Just Driven? (July '80) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
Why do you help someone out when they’re in need? Why put your effort into helping others at all? What is service about, really, and what’s in it for me?
This is a seminar about service and the ways it’s expressed: from the head or from the heart. John-Roger says, “Service is an outward action. It’s not sitting and thinking what you’re going to do. It’s an action.” And he goes into the difference between service for gain (what’s in it for me?) and service from the heart.
J-R goes on, “If you fulfill Spiritual Law, then service becomes one of your Spirit to another person’s Spirit. I come to do your will, O Lord. The Law is written in my heart, not my head.”
This seminar inspires the spirit and doing of service, which can give our lives meaning and fulfillment.
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)