Who is Controlling Your Mind? TWI Premium
TWI Premium
John-Roger begins this seminar with a vivid story about a youthful diving accident. His mind held onto the fear many years until he let it go during a scary train ride through Copper Canyon, Mexico. He says, “The things that I’ve been describing to you are pre-occupations of the mind. But it was interesting, wasn’t it? Except for one thing. It didn’t do anything for my spirituality in terms of me being with the oneness of that. It had a great deal to do with adrenalin.”
J-R asks, “Who is running the mind? Right now the ego is, with all of its hopes, all of its wishes, all of its wants, all of its ‘wanna be’s’. How do you know it’s the ego? Because of what my mother wanted for me, or what my dad wanted for me, or what I thought I wanted when I was with all my friends growing up.”
OK, what’s a different approach? J-R offers this, “When you give your mind to your Spirit, just anything is absolutely possible. But if you don’t give it to the Spirit, your mind will become a prisoner of your ego.” And how do you give your mind to your Spirit? The answer is in this seminar.
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