3. Exploring Failure | from the ‘Success from the Inside Out’ Collection TWI Premium
TWI Premium
From the ‘Success from the Inside Out’ Collection.
This seminar is from the “Success from the Inside Out” collection – full of information from John-Roger about how to move into success from wherever you are right now. J-R says, “Get to the center of your being and allow yourself to be free inside of you.” And what is one key that will serve you always? He has consistently said over the years, “The picture or thought that you hold in your mind is what’s important.”
You may be thinking to yourself that you work hard, you pay taxes, you live ‘right,’ and still you don’t have what you want. Within the information in these programs is a useful blueprint for discovering your innate abundance and your ability to create the life you dream of and deserve.
If you’d like to purchase the entire collection for offline use, click here.