Into Illumination and Enlightenment TWI Premium
TWI Premium
This seminar starts out with a bang. John-Roger jumps right in, talking about how children need discipline. Then he explains how to discipline them lovingly.
J-R covers a variety of areas, including how many look to the heavens for God, when God is inside all the time. He illustrates this with a very sweet story about a man and his car, concluding with, “Then it hit him. He knew that if he loved that car that much, as bad as it was, he knew God could love him, as bad as he was.” Soul Transcendence, spiritual exercises, death, initiation, God, and the joy that is in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness: that’s just a sample of the treats in this public bilingual seminar. J-R says, “The teachings of Soul Transcendence state that through the spiritual heart we find God.”
J-R concludes with some heartfelt laughter while describing how the Traveler works with initiates after they die. This is a seminar with one great “aha!” after another, all the way through.
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