Transforming Fear Through At-One-Ment TWI Premium
TWI Premium
If you sometimes feel trapped in your body, you’ll appreciate J-R’s explanation of how to transform your fear and apprehension into the realization of the presence of divine power and eternal joy.
“What do you do when you wake up in the morning and you’re clear full of fear?” You know what John-Roger is talking about, don’t you? Every one of us has had an experience like that at least once in our lives. This is a fun and uplifting seminar in which J-R lays all our fears and terrors to rest. You’ll need to bring a level of cooperation to the process, though.
J-R asks, “How can you get rid of fear, besides laughing about it? Well, you could get this seminar and play it,” he says, “and when the laughter appears you’ll just bust-up laughing with it. From that point on, fear doesn’t stand that much of a chance because in the midst of poking fun at it, we actually riddle it until the fear has holes in it.”
“And then we change,” he says, “but change will not take place inside of you until you make this change in your consciousness. Christians call it repentance. (Repentance means to change; that’s all it means.) They also use a word ‘atonement.’ But the word was written incorrectly. It should be AT-ONE-MENT. At one ment.”
Bubble and laugh your fears away with this delightful J-R seminar.
If you’d like to purchase this title from the online store, click here. (link only available in the web version)