Q&A: Creativity, Authority, Change, and the Endurance of the Traveler (Jul. '92) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
This Q&A session was held during the 'Loving in Action' Workshop in Paris, France, 1992. Great questions from the audience create the opening for the Traveler to share some gems of wisdom on how interrupting negative patterns can help us achieve the things we want in life. This is the common thread on the topics discussed.
First, he explains what creativity is, as well what creativity is NOT. He then shares his techniques and examples for creating the inspiration we recognize as creativity in various areas of life.
In response to other questions, J-R shares how take authority over one's own life, along with an example of how he did it for his own. He makes the distinction between freedom and liberation, and explains how to experience both ( as well as both the good and bad news that come along with that). And finally, he affirms how we can harness and repurpose 'violent' feelings for our upliftment and growth.
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#8366 with side-by-side translation in French.