Honoring Yourself and Others (June '94) TWI Premium
TWI Premium
People who participate in MSIA are encouraged to do Spiritual Exercises — that active form of prayer and meditation which can move our attention away from the distractions of the material world in order to focus on loving, on God (or whatever you may call Spirit), on our oneness with all creation.
However, in the beginning of this Father’s Day seminar, John-Roger says this, “It’s not necessary to do spiritual exercises to grow spiritually—not necessary. It is also not necessary for you to drive a car, to get from here to downtown Santa Barbara. But it sure makes it a lot easier and faster if you can do that.”
So J-R offers us an easy way to do spiritual exercises, like catching a ride with a friend in a special car. He says, “If you make every breath in, an ‘H’ and every breath out, a ‘Hu,’ you’re doing S.E.’s as you go.” He reminds us that we have an ombudsman in Spirit which is helping us get through our karmic fields — those moments of learning that life brings to help us grow. We are truly not alone.
One suggestion J-R offers is that we respond to those karmic moments without becoming negative. “So it’s watching very particularly your patterns of response, to what people say and do to you,” he suggests. “And so truly, freedom is eternal vigilance.”
In much of this seminar, J-R discusses the process of letting go — that necessary action each of us will face sometime. He offers a primer in letting go for such time as we’ll need the information. It’s all in the seminar.
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