The Peace of God Treatment TWI Premium
TWI Premium
In this seminar, John-Roger uses many examples from MSIA’s experiences while working to obtain a conditional use permit (CUP) to develop a retreat property. He reminds us that we can handle any situation (even court cases!) with as much anger or as much peace as we choose, depending, upon what we want the results to be. It’s our choice.
Whatever we choose, the results will come back to us. So if we choose anger, we’ll get that back. If we choose peace we will experience peace. J-R quotes the Bible, “‘As a man thinketh, in his heart he becomes.’ That heart we’re talking about is the heart of God, Christ, the Traveler, spirituality. But with the thinking of the mind comes the influence of Lucifer. He’s got a big part going on here.”
J-R ends the seminar with the traditional “Baruch Bashan”, which means the blessings already are. If you are watching the video, you’ll receive the sweetness of the Travelers direct gaze.
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