
New Day Herald

Into the Sun: The Final Journey of My Best Friend’s Body

The feelings inside of me seemed to match the grayish monotone color of the outside world that morning. As I boarded the bus just outside of Asilomar and took my seat midway to the back, I could feel my jeans cold and wet, drenched through the pant legs between where my jacket and boots protected me from the downpour. The crystal clear blue waters and sun drenched seas of Bora Bora, where we originally had imagined doing what would be my final responsibility of taking care of J-R’s body, was now just some distant daydream. It seemed more fitting that we should choose a place with the same level of beauty, but with greater depth of range and ruggedness. Somehow, this land reflected my life with J-R, having weathered many stormy seas together yet all the while held by the depth of his strength and loving.

The bus pulled up to the docks where we were to board the chartered fishing boat. Our small group, dotted with umbrellas and rain gear, made our way from land to water, in the still rainy weather. Before leaving the bus, Phil recounted how he had recently heard a recording of J-R saying that he hoped it was raining at his funeral so he could see who showed up. All of us showed up, and had there been a place, I have no doubt many, many more would have come as well, instead of just this small group of representatives for all those who loved J-R. We boarded the water vessel as Jsu was trying to convince the captain to go around the point so we could be in front of Asilomar where Living in Grace would start later that day (as it had for decades with J-R attending). The captain couldn’t make any promises due to the severity of the swell and storm, but he would do his best.

As we reached the open sea, the reason for the captain’s hesitation to commit became evident. Our little fishing vessel seemed small in comparison to the rolling masses of water, which our boat would climb up, then slide down…up then down. It was invigorating and expansive for such a clear outer feeling of being at the mercy of the rough natural elements, and I was grateful for having taken my motion sickness pills beforehand. Those on the deck seemed transfixed by the magnitude of the storm, and the thrill of being in the middle of it. The journey continued.

We eventually did round the point, and slowly came to an idle directly out from the beach that, for so many years, those at the Grace retreat have walked while listening to J-R. We were too far from land to see any of the initiates on the shore, who had been called inwardly to be on the beach at that moment, without knowing what we were doing on our little boat until much later.

As our boat stopped moving forward, the rain stopped and the clouds cracked enough for the sun to shine its rays upon us like a spotlight on God’s stage. A rainbow appeared on the horizon and the heaving mounds of water calmed down, as if the Lord was demonstrating what one man said to calm the raging waters 2000 years ago: “Peace. Be Still.”

As we gathered at the stern of the boat, a flock of various seafaring birds flew in and landed in the water, facing us as if to witness the occasion. Drawing our bodies closer and blending our light to a point where J-R’s ashes were given to J-R’s brother and sister-in-law, Delile and Elda Hinkins, Jsu started a blessing that Delile would finish. As I held onto Elda and Delile, I felt the warmth of everyone behind drawing closer and closer just as I had felt the support for Jsu and myself from all those initiates, ministers and spirit beings who stood by us for all our years supporting J-R. As the words blessing J-R in whatever heavenly spheres he was traveling were being spoken, a couple of whales breached the water and a sacred mystical energy field descended upon us, extending out to sea and shore.

I have been out in the waves many times surfing when a pod of dolphins would swim by, and I have felt a similar though less intense energy which transports the environment and those in it to a calmer, more magical place. It is fitting that the one who was known by his walkie call sign for so many years as the Green Dolphin, transported us in that moment to a magical world as we drifted in the ocean with his remains.

As the ashes fell from the bag to the sea where the gulls floated, I felt my heart was being poured out, dispersed into the water…my final act for his body…the finality of the moment…I had fulfilled the mission I had been given to do…we had a good run J-R…my life forever changed in that moment…and though the seas were now calm the convulsions swelled up from deep inside of me and the storm seemed to have moved into me trying to get out through sobs and tears. I had as little control over my own tempest of emotion as I did over the sea on our way to this moment.

As the engine of the boat started for the journey away from where different planes of existence converged, the sun radiated its beauty on the water, reflecting to the point of J-R’s ashes floating away in the currents of time and water. My tears still continue now, and as I tell J-R inside of me that I love him, I still hear the echo of his voice saying, “That’s how this all works.”

O Captain! my captain! I miss you.

O Captain! My Captain! By Walt Whitman

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;

                         But O heart! heart! heart!

                            O the bleeding drops of red,

                               Where on the deck my Captain lies,

                                  Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills,

For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding,

For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;

                         Here Captain! dear father!

                            This arm beneath your head!

                               It is some dream that on the deck,

                                 You’ve fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,

My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,

The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,

From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;

                         Exult O shores, and ring O bells!

                            But I with mournful tread,

                               Walk the deck my Captain lies,

                                  Fallen cold and dead.

16 thoughts on “Into the Sun: The Final Journey of My Best Friend’s Body”

  1. Catherine Corona

    Nathaniel, you have written the most touching and gorgeous account of the day and your of your heart. Thank you are not words enough. Peace Brother and joy.

  2. Hearing about the birds reminds me of a time on PAT IV 1986. Three buses arrived in Assisi. We had to stop outside the steep hilly little town because the buses couldn’t make it through the narrow cobblestone streets. We walked up the hill with our luggage to the hotel to be informed they were expecting us much later, the rooms were not yet ready. There would be a wait. J-R quietly walked outside onto a veranda overlooking the beautiful Umbrian hills. Several of us followed. We all fell into a beautiful sweet silence. Then a number of white birds came near and just circle and circle and sailed above us….to me they were joyously praising the name of the Lord, the Beloved who was there among them. I did not know then that J-R was Francis of Assisi in a former life…even more touching. Thank you for sharing this beautiful account, Nathanial.

  3. Thank you, as we’ve all been saying, just doesn’t express the gratitude I feel for so beautifully sharing with us. I too feel somehow complete now as the tears and the sobs surprisingly flow releasing and clearing, still and again. May God Bless and keep you ever close in His love & Light. Peace to you Nathaniel.

  4. I so appreciate your beautiful, sweet, touching sharing. It gave me the opportunity to be present in that precious moment. Thank you…God Bless You…I Love You…Peace Be Still.

  5. Thank you, Nat for this beautiful and touching account of J-R’s Final Journey at Asilomar. It brings a peaceful conclusion to 44 years of the most loving guidance from J-R, my Spiritual teacher and friend. And I know it continues in my heart forever. Bless you, Nat, I love you.

  6. God bless you, Nat, and thank you. I’m reminded of the words, “Father, into Your hands I commend my Spirit.” Your account truly relayed the magic of the moment, and the presence of Spirit.

  7. “O Captain, My Captain” came into my consciousness before J-R passed over. I was one of the inititiates who was on the shore at Asilomar (in rain gear) during the boat’s journey to the final resting place. I was in a Grace many years ago in which J-R said words to the effect that the people close to him had been given specific instructions about what to do with his body after it expired. It was such a completion for me to be able to hear that these wishes were fulfilled and to be right near by the shore as the sacred mystical energy field was opened. J-R had a way of making his intention known and of including those who are part of this intention. My intention is to carry forward his message: “My life is my message.” Every step he took was his message. Those who fall in step with his message are blessed beyond words.

  8. I feel the peace. I visualised it all as you described it. I needed this to complete another layer, Thank You Nat. The theme of rainbows continues – as I write now, the sun is washing over a crystal in the window and sending rainbows all around the room!.Loving you so much right now, Loving us all x

  9. J.R. was truly ;blessed to have you with him all of these years, we are blessed to be able to share your love of our beloved within our hearts. thank you, thank you, thank you. god bless maria elena Kittelson

  10. J R, thank you for being my Traveler, the head of this family, and the Light of my Heart. Nat, thanks for sharing all of your life, and this too… With tears sweetly falling, I love you, and thank you . You are a good son, and beloved one. I Am sharing the loving with all of us beloveds, ever grateful for you J R, always, alpha to omega and beyond …

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