Like I don’t have enough Karma of my own.
A very old school friend meets me a couple of times a year for lunch. She lives and works in another country and has had quite a tough time over the years. My experience of her is that her issues seem to reach into all aspects of her life and her negativity about her life is tangible. For decades I tried to help and gave copious advice. Since my involvement with MSIA in 2020, I have said less and less and my frustrations are being transmuted into acceptance and neutrality, (but not completely yet). Before meeting her last week, I declared to Spirit that I would not comment or judge her, simply accept and love her just the way she is. This promise felt good, and I sat calm and relaxed in the restaurant waiting for her to arrive, as she usually gets lost and turns up late.
After 25 minutes she called to say she was lost and that she might not come at all, so I should eat without her. “If the man in the petrol station knows where I am meant to be meeting you, I will try and come”. This friend has challenges finding places and refuses to use the map facility on her phone. I sat there with intended serenity and peace and an expectation of eating alone. However, after another 10 minutes she arrived in a fluster, distressed and upset by the journey, traffic and getting lost, again. As she described all the obstacles and issues that plotted against her arriving on time, I felt my serenity sliding back into frustration. I did remember my promise to Spirit, but justified that her actions affected me also, so I could speak up.
I got my phone, typed in the address of her mother’s home, where she was staying, and sent her a google maps route to her phone via WhatsApp. I then interrupted her and asked her to give me her phone so I could show her the best route home given all the up-to-date travel information. After that, I got back in my box, listened neutrally, chanted my tone and sent loving energy. I felt good.
As we went to leave, I just had to give one more piece of advice and I showed her how I can put my phone in a clip on my dashboard so that the directions are to hand. With that I gave her a hug and drove away.
The route home seemed a bit strange. In the UK we have had some bad winters and there are many potholes in the roads being fixed, so I thought nothing of it and just kept driving. After about 20 minutes, of what should have been a 35-minute drive, I saw a sign to my nearest town and my sat nav sent me in the opposite direction! I pulled over to work out what was going on. Then the penny dropped, and I realised I was using the route I had set for her and was literally driving to her mother’s house in the opposite direction to my home. I realized that I had driven myself onto her Karmic path.
I burst out laughing with Spirit and said: “thank you for such a clear and immediate lesson”. It took me another 30 minutes to drive home. How I laughed. I really do have enough Karma on my own path. Thank you, Spirit for your lesson delivered with such humour!