We have a guideline in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, which is to always leave something better than you found it. One way to do this is to plant Light columns everywhere you go.

Placing Light columns is a way to integrate into your daily life and routine a specific awareness of Spirit. When you do that, you are using your spiritual energy in positive action that can bring positive results to this level“. John-Roger, DSS.

  • 1
    Planting a Light Column

    For the highest good, envision or intend a funnel or pillar of Light from the highest place you can imagine going right through you and into the very core of the earth. That is all you need to do.

  • 2
    The Duration

    The Light column you place may be effective for two days, thirty minutes, or fifteen years. Its duration does not matter, and you do not even need to concern yourself with that since Spirit is actually doing it.

    Perhaps a Light column will hold for two hours, which may be the exact amount of time it was needed in that area.

  • 3
    Where to Place Light

    If you are in one area day after day, continue to place Light columns there. People who have used this technique in their homes and offices have noticed positive results. It is a beautiful and effective way to clean up your immediate environment. You can also do this throughout the city you live in.

  • 4
    A Specific Awareness of Spirit

    Placing Light columns is a way to integrate into your daily life and routine a specific awareness of Spirit. When you do this, you are using your spiritual energy in positive action that can bring positive results to the physical level. It is wonderful when more and more people are willing to say, “I’m a Light bearer. I’ll bear Light wherever I go.” As a spiritual being, you have inside the ability to call forth and bring forth the Light of God into any environmental situation and to transmute the negativity into a positive gain.

    As just one example of this, to help stabilize the earth, you can ask that a column of Light be placed into the center of the earth and then radiate to the north and south poles. This can help areas that are prone to earthquakes.

  • 5
    Visualizing the Column of Light

    Light columns can be as big as a drinking glass, as thin as a pencil, as large as a house, as huge as an entire city, or like the Washington Monument. Have you ever seen the sun shining through a window and seen dust particles floating in the air? A Light column will sometimes look very much like that.

    When you see that kind of Light energy or force, you may think your vision is a little disturbed, but it may be that you are tuning in to higher frequencies and seeing a little more than the physical realm. That is good news. Of course, you might not visually perceive the Light columns, and you certainly do not have to. Not seeing them does not lessen in any way your ability to create them. You will probably never know directly the benefit that such work has, the ways it touches to people, or the positive changes it brings about. It is a silent work, a silent ministry, and a powerful one.

    Click for the Manual on Using the Light