• What is Soul Transcendence?
    Soul Transcendence is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God. The Soul is that essence of us that is a pure extension of God. The mind, emotions, and body are elements that the Soul has taken to itself in order to experience those levels of existence. In the course of your journey on earth, it is possible for you to learn not to be held in bondage or restricted by your body, emotions, or mind. And when these lower levels are transcended, that which is left is pure Soul. Eventually, as the journey back to God continues, Soul will also be transcended, and there will be only God.


  • What’s the value of Soul Transcendence, and how can I do that?

    MSIA teaches Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as Soul and as one with God. The Soul is that essence of us that is a pure extension of God. The mind, emotions, and body are elements that the Soul has taken to itself in order to experience those levels of existence. In the course of your journey on earth, it is possible to learn not to be restricted by the body, mind, or emotions. And when those lower levels are transcended, that which is left is pure Soul.

    Soul Transcendence frees one from the cycle of incarnation. And eventually, as the journey back to God continues, Soul will also be transcended and there will be only God. Put another way, Soul Transcendence is to live and be in the presence of the living God and to know that. Working with the Mystical Traveler and doing spiritual exercises is a proven way to do this.

