
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Question: It's very easy for me to give and give, but much more difficult for me to receive. How can I learn to receive? Answer: You must be open to receive. If I have something to give you but your hands are tightly closed behind your back, I have no vessel in which to place my gift. But if your hands are open and you reach out to receive, I can place the gift in them. The same is true for those things that are of Spirit. If you are uptight and closed down inside of yourself, how can you be open to receive the bounty that is available to you? If it's truly difficult to receive, you might begin by receiving in small ways. Let someone buy you lunch, open the door or run an errand for you. Most people will be very willing to give to you. It's you who decides how much you want to receive on all levels.

John-Roger, DSS
The Traveler is here to assist whoever can be assisted. Even though the opportunity to receive assistance is present, initiates often don't exercise the option. The Traveler is not an inflictive consciousness. That's where the importance of asking for what you want for the best comes in. Do you have to ask constantly? No, and not to the point where you're disengaged from the responsibility of your life. But as an attitude, yes. As a constant prayer, yes - that you are walking in the Light, breathing the Light, and the Light is who you become.

John Morton, DSS
Maybe you're holding onto a judgment about what you did or didn't do. Perhaps you resent the way you were brought up, or your lack of education, or the person you chose to marry. You may indeed have an irrefutable story for why certain aspects of life have turned out as they have - and why you are justified in feeling like a victim as a result. But can you see how those feelings of judgment and victimhood are robbing you of your divine powers - your ability to choose a life of expansion, based on loving and forgiving, rather than a life of contraction, based on negativity and fear? Don't be willing to give over your divine power so easily. Take a breath and take a moment to accept yourself as a divine being.

John-Roger, DSS
Be loving to yourself and to others. When you are doing that in the reality of each moment, all dilemmas will fall into line, and you will begin attuning yourself to the greater love that is the love of the Mystical Traveler.

John-Roger, DSS
There's abundance from God, but not necessarily in this world. You can't have it all in this world, but in the inner worlds you are it all. And that's what you can trust.

John-Roger, DSS
When you have found the almighty power within, which is the consciousness of Soul, that power will transcend the world because it is the power of the supreme generator of Light and love. It is not reflected power, existing only in reflection. It is the power of knowing, the power of being. It is.

John-Roger, DSS
Some people want to make a leap of faith, yet they are faithless. It's like, "God, cure me of my disbelief." But if God did that, why would there be anything called belief? There would only be knowledge, the gnosis of it all, the numinous effect of God, the Light, the energy, and we'd just be involved in that particular area all the time. But that's not what He set us up here to do. If He did, we'd all have it. Instead, He set us up to live, to breathe, and to die, and we all do that. And He says that what you do in between is yours. You can't really get a hold of God, but you can do something with the God inside of you. We call it spiritual exercises.

John-Roger, DSS
People often enter into the material world with a negation toward the Spirit. In order to have that separate experience, you have to deny and negate the Spirit as you know it. You can't truly do that, but you can have an image of that or an illusion of that, which can be very powerful and which works as a construction of negative forces by your creativity. Not only is it very powerful, it also serves a purpose. Part of the purpose is to bring consciousness further into that negative field, for you to have that experience and, when that experience is sufficient enough for you, bring about the choice to turn and move back into the Spirit from which you came. That requires a dropping of the negative identification so that you may realize you are the eternally beloved of God.

John Morton, DSS
Love is of God. When we are relating to the things and people around us with care and consideration, we are infused with God's love and joy.

John-Roger, DSS
When you work to expand your consciousness through the Holy Spirit, the Spirit comes into the nerve area, strengthening the sheath on the nerves so that you can contain more "high voltage." Your nervous system will be able to contain more power. The Holy Spirit enters into a receptor, perhaps the mind or perhaps the Soul chakra, which is located in the crown of the head. Spirit enters in, flooding you with love, and the nerve area is filled with a different hormonal process. You are then in a state of fluidity; you are lifted and feel fantastic. The warmth that comes through you can be so tremendous that you'll say, "This is better." You are "tripping," in a sense of the word, but strictly under self-control.

John-Roger, DSS