
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

August 11, 2005

A great deal of the stress that people suffer is a result of not living right now, of being totally occupied with the past or the future. This is the cause of so many troubles. When you cut out your concern for the future and your remembrance of the past, you are right here, now. Many people try to remember to be here now. However, when they try to remember, the very act of remembering throws them out of the now. If you stop remembering, or you forget to remember, and just be here now, you are in good territory. Hold yourself in the now. There is nothing in existence other than right now.

John-Roger, DSS
A part of you always knows the truth. It knows whether you really finished cleaning the car. It knows whether you really did stick to your diet. It knows whether you did 20 push-ups or 15. It knows whether you did one hour of meditation or spiritual exercises, or 30 minutes, no matter what you say to yourself. When you commit to doing something, you don't have to give in to your "won't" power and fall short. Instead, you can use your energy, your willpower, to complete it.

John-Roger, DSS
However great the qualities are in the world, they are even greater in the Spirit.

John Morton, DSS
As you continually involve yourself in your own inner movement of awareness, your awakening will happen in its own natural rhythm.

John-Roger, DSS
We are so caught up in attachment to results and our insecurity about what is happening that we are blocking ourselves. I wish I could get you to see that you are the one blocking yourself. Despite what it may look like, no one else is blocking you. If you would just be with whatever seems to be blocking you, you would realize that it is just an illusion and really doesn't exist. Observe the block until it comes into harmony inside you. Release and disperse what is no longer part of you. What's left? The Soul, you.

John-Roger, DSS

August 06, 2005

We must practice finding the living love within us before we look outward.

John-Roger, DSS
Your dharma or duty to your friends is also to hold sacred their trust and love in you, and to love and support them in return - not to malign or misrepresent or betray them.

John-Roger, DSS

August 04, 2005

The greatest part of expression in this world is to be loving and to experience what love is. Perhaps you were in an environment where loving is what you came in with. Your mother was loving, the doctor was loving, the nurses were loving, whoever was there when you came into the world was loving. Still, no matter what you came into or how great that presence of loving was, we never achieve a point of loving where it's done, where it's complete or over. There is always a greater loving to come into. This world is designed to bring lessons, not necessarily easy ones, and to bring you to the loving that is already present. That's really not a secret or a revelation. It's something that at some point we know, even if we will not admit it to ourselves.

John Morton, DSS
If you want to practice Soul Transcendence, practice adopting a higher perspective; practice kindness and compassion.

John-Roger, DSS
Dilemmas are part of the negative power of the planet. They are part of the maya of the planet. Man corrupted the lower levels by placing forth the glamour, the illusions and the personal karma of his own making, and then cemented the whole thing together so that the pollution isn't only in the physical environment, but within the physical body, the emotions, the mind, the unconscious and the psycho-spirituality. Pollution is not in the Soul. The Soul is pure; it always has been and it always will be. It is within the other levels of consciousness that pollution occurs. And it is within the lower levels of consciousness that dilemmas occur.

John-Roger, DSS