
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

If you don't feel equipped to handle something, tell people that. Tell them, "I just can't handle that." That is so real and so simple. If you have trouble seeing how that works, think of having an ingrown toenail and having someone in hiking boots step on your foot. I'm sure you would say, "HEY, GET OFF MY FOOT. IT HURTS!" They'd get off and say, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. Take care of yourself." When you honestly tell people you are not equipped to handle what they are laying on you, they can act in cooperation and, often, in loving concern.

John-Roger, DSS

June 01, 2006

We get too caught up - far, far too caught up - in the way we look at things instead of having the wisdom to just look at it for what it is. Not as any cause to react or be upset, but just to consider what it is, to enjoy what upsets you. If that seems strange and outside of your realm, that you don't know what that means and you say, "I don't know how to enjoy what upsets me," then you have something to learn. Because it's really important to get to a place where you have the choice and know that you are free to enjoy everything. That's a God-given right inside of you. It doesn't mean that we in some way mock or ridicule. We're not talking about that kind of joy. We're talking about joy that's pure, that maintains its purity no matter what the circumstances are. So whatever it is, get to the joy of it. I'm sure that's going to provide for you a new opportunity.

John Morton, DSS
When you do not love, you do not fully live. If you do not fully live, God cannot pour the fullness of His energies through you into the world.

John-Roger, DSS
We are all one. So when you cannot accept and love one person, you create separation towards everyone. You create a separation between you and your God, between you and the God in everyone. A way to move from separation into grace is to throw away your swords of righteousness, throw away your judgments and your sense that you know what is best for other people, allow others (and yourself) to make mistakes in this world, and love them (and yourself) anyway.

John-Roger, DSS

May 29, 2006

Choose wisely because that choice is going to be yours.

John-Roger, DSS
Nothing here is designed to hurt or harm you. It is all for you to use to lift yourself into Spirit. It all points you toward God. It is all for your benefit.

John-Roger, DSS
What is "wrong" anyway? I don't know. I've been watching decisions that people have made over a period of four, five, or six years, and none of them are right or wrong, because the wisdom of the decision appears over the course of time. When you look at someone's action, look for the wisdom of the action. In other words, where will this action ultimately take them? Will it take them into the divine consciousness, into God? If so, leave them alone. Let them be. If you say, "I don't know where it will take them," then don't pretend that you know. Just say, "I don't know." My God, it's not a sin or a crime not to know.

John-Roger, DSS
Long-range goals are fine, but don't ignore the short-range goal. Why make health, wealth, and prosperity just a long-range goal? Why not also make that an immediate goal?

John-Roger, DSS
You can complain, or you can choose to go on past the complaints to the growth, getting on with what works and working it as if there were no tomorrow. By this commitment, you can gain new avenues into your creativity, which can result in a wonderful freedom. You don't have to groan when you run into obstacles. Instead, you can recognize that any obstacle can be used as a stepping-stone. You don't have to curse the obstacle, but you can find a way to use it to go higher, toward what you want. If you commit to doing just positive actions, the chances are excellent that you'll get cooperation on all levels, including the physical, emotional, mental, subconscious, and superconscious.

John-Roger, DSS

May 24, 2006

Let's not look upon the state of your life as something that we would consider less than what it should be, or that in any way would cause us to withhold our love, our honoring, our respect. If we were doing more of this in this world, we'd be having a far better time enjoying what's going on here, enjoying one another much more.

John Morton, DSS