
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Spiritual practices are an upward path and bring continually greater results.

John-Roger, DSS
"Need for control" is probably the most prominent characteristic of the false self. It is from this that many other characteristics spring. Often the need for control runs our lives, which is ironic considering that, in reality, we have very little control over what happens in the world around us. Thus, the path of control is a futile one, inevitably leading to frustration and disappointment. The false self's characteristic need for control sends it on a search for power from external sources. We have to seek outside ourselves for something to make us feel good. We're constantly looking for that event, that nod of approval, that recognition that will make us feel more secure. This constant search for approval is evidence of the false self's insatiable need for recognition by any means, even negative ones.

John-Roger, DSS
I may say that "God will take care of me," but if I identify "me" as my clothing, my food, my car, my house, my furniture, that's what I have to take care of. It's my area of responsibility in this physical world. So which part does God take care of? The part that lives. That's the part that transcends the physical environment, that leaves the body and continues on. God does sustain that.

John-Roger, DSS
Question: Are there angels in the Soul realm? What exactly is an angel, and what is a guardian angel? Answer: There are angels on every non-physical level. Some people have seen angels on this physical level, although they are actually seeing into another level when this happens. Angels are non-physical beings who hold spiritual energy and do spiritual work on the different levels of existence. One of their "jobs" is to praise God continuously; it's very joyful. A guardian angel has a specific job - to assist, guide, and protect a certain person. The guardian angel is one who will urge and direct; it works like a sort of reflective counselor. When you work with it, it can be effective. People who have been baptized within MSIA and certain faiths or groups have had a guardian angel placed with them at the time of baptism.

John-Roger, DSS

May 19, 2006

I suggest you curb any touch of know-it-all that you may be carrying which sometimes masquerades at trying to prove something or thinking resentment under the breath or malicious obedience or subversive hostility. Anyway, just move on. I am. Love it all in all ways, always.

John Morton, DSS
Love awakens us. When you experience the spiritual heart - your loving nature - unlocking and unfolding, thank God from your deepest being that this is happening to you.

John-Roger, DSS
Spiritual exercises are a manifestation of loving, your loving of Spirit and God, and God's loving of you. When you chant your initiation tone, you are singing the song of loving that has been sung by the saints and sages of all time. It's a joyful process. Doing spiritual exercises can also bring you the same experiences as those of a mystic; chanting your initiation tone can bring you the realizations that will rip the veil between this mundane world and the experience of the heart of God.

John-Roger, DSS

May 16, 2006

The first few years that you connect with this life stream called the Mystical Traveler, it can be phenomenal what takes place. Things just open. The vision opens. The inner vision opens. You see things. You know things. It's like, "this is it!" After you've been here five or six years, not too much happens. What are you doing? It's very, very simple. It's just a big channel. The first years, everything gets in. As you get down here, not too much gets in. And when it finally gets down to the gold thread, just you get through. You're the golden thread of God - or the Divinity, or the mind that is in Christ Jesus is in you, or the Zen, or the Buddha, or cosmic awareness, or total reality. It's all of that.

John-Roger, DSS
Whatever your relationship with other people - lover, spouse, friend, colleague, parent, etc. - use your Light consciousness to lift them. When you bring forward the consciousness of Light through actions (not necessarily through words), you'll find them lifting.

John-Roger, DSS
What we start here toward perfection, the Holy Spirit will finish it with us in the Spirit world. We're blessed. When you open inside to the Lord of your heart, to the Beloved, then you're on the way. That's a sure path. You're going to see a lot of us on that path.

John-Roger, DSS