
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

March 15, 2006

The less we sweat the small/nothing stuff the more the BIG STUFF from the BIG HAND can come into play.

John Morton, DSS
Can we get abundance from greed? Yes, we can, and we also get everything that goes with it. (With the expensive sports car may come higher insurance rates. With a greedy attitude comes separation from others and, possibly, from the part of God within each of us.) When we get things through God's abundance, we also get a spiritual blessing as we share that gift. When we get something through greed, which often means causing someone else to lose, we are on our own, meaning that we may have great difficulty accessing divine guidance or support.

John-Roger, DSS
In loving - real loving, which is unconditional - you can assist your lover rather than criticize or issue ultimatums. Rather than a change-or-else attitude, a supportive approach of loving no matter what will encourage adjustments.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul is always standing by, waiting to be called, waiting for us to put our judgments aside. We can call upon the Soul right now.

John-Roger, DSS
When you call upon God's holy name to connect inwardly from your own Soul to that which is the supreme God, you connect those two forms of energy. And at that moment, we ride the divine current, the word made flesh, the sound, the orchestra, the divine melodies.

John-Roger, DSS
Your choices about drugs include whom you choose to spend your time with. If you spend a lot of time around people who indulge in drugs, you run the danger of picking up these patterns in your aura even if you are not taking drugs yourself. As these patterns permeate your auric field, they begin to influence you; you can fall into the patterns of drug usage and begin to take drugs. If you don't wish to involve yourself with drugs, it's best to stay away from areas and people where drugs are being used.

John-Roger, DSS

March 09, 2006

Educate yourself on your conditions and look for simple measures that can contribute to improving your health and vitality. Remember that your state of mind, the way you feel about yourself, powerfully contributes or not to your well being depending on whether your attitude is uplifting or not. God is alive and well within you awaiting in a moment's notice your call for assistance on all levels. Use your creatorship wisely to direct what you need while being trusting that there is a good purpose in every condition in which you are dealing.

John Morton, DSS
Sit in a comfortable, safe place. Allow your attention to drift inward. Ask yourself, "If I let love lead me in this situation, where would I go and what would I do next?" In the midst of a challenging situation, it takes great strength to even ask yourself the simple question, "How can I let love lead me now?" If at first the answers don't come easily, don't be discouraged. Just getting to the point where you can ask the question shows that your intention is good and that you're moving in the right direction. With practice, before long you'll come to see this as one of your most powerful tools for listening to your deeper wisdom.

John-Roger, DSS
You will be tested to see if you can withstand the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" that will be directed against you, and if you have a spiritual quality (and you do) you find that you can turn the slings and arrows into the Light, which then uses them as "cupid's arrows" and send them right back to the negative force. And you remain neutral and detached. You don't have to push. You don't have to force. You just let your own Light shine. And those who can see it will know its truth.

John-Roger, DSS

March 06, 2006

Sit down and do these spiritual exercises. Get yourself ready so that you can receive of this. Go into that quiet place to do spiritual exercises. Call the Light in now to surround you. "I'd like the Light to surround me, protect me, fill me, to remove all negativity, and only that which is for my highest good to be allowed forward. So be it."

John-Roger, DSS