
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Kindness and compassion are qualities of the Soul you can practice anytime, anywhere. You don't have to be rich. You don't have to be smart. You don't have to have all the answers. Kindness and compassion are like a breath of fresh air. We know that breath is a universal gift from God, available to all equally.

John-Roger, DSS

September 20, 2005

You can't help but be who you are: that's what breathes you. Your problems come when you pretend to be someone else.

John-Roger, DSS
One moment of chanting your spiritual initiatory tone with devotion is worth one hundred done mechanically.

John-Roger, DSS
To be an initiate of the Mystical Traveler means devoting yourself to working out the karma you've accrued while being here and to releasing yourself from that karma through grace and your good works, so that you are free to rise into the Heart of God.

John-Roger, DSS

September 17, 2005

Get some deep rest - the kind that happens with your thoughts being filled with how well the Lord is treating you while you drift off to sleep and go on holyday in the inner worlds only returning once your cup is running over.

John Morton, DSS
To become masters of loving, we have to go through an education process. This is not like going back to high school or college, however. There are no textbooks or term papers or exams, no foreign languages to learn, nothing to memorize. Everything you need to know about loving is already inside you. All anyone else can do is guide you in discovering your own loving nature. Most of us have no idea that we can be masters of loving. We race around looking for someone or something to fulfill us, not realizing that what we are searching for has been available to us all along. Our biggest task as human beings is to learn to be loving. As we move in that direction, every area of life begins to open up.

John-Roger, DSS

September 15, 2005

When you start exploring the inner Spirit that allows each person to exist as a special individual, you start finding a treasure chest of love.

John-Roger, DSS

September 14, 2005

When you allow your mind to become calm, your emotions can stabilize.

John-Roger, DSS
At the same time that we want to know who we are and that we are Soul, we can easily get stuck in the drama of daily living. We become attached to our mistakes and failures instead of learning how to experience success beyond our wildest dreams. A key to expansion, to opening sacred inner space, is the divine imagination. Visualize the very best for yourself - the joy and the loving flowing within you and out of you - and hold that vision. As you hold that vision, it will become a reality because that's the real you.

John-Roger, DSS

September 12, 2005

The more we align ourselves with God and the way we choose, the more we bring ourselves into cooperation and we flow with God's nature, which is a loving nature, a joyful nature, a peaceful nature, a giving nature, a receiving nature, a healing nature.

John Morton, DSS