
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Whenever we relate to anything in this world from the consciousness of our Soul, we find a constant opportunity to lift and be lifted. These opportunities are available regardless of any outward conditions or circumstances. It doesn't matter what human factors or past actions are involved. There is no tragedy in the Soul's existence.

John Morton, DSS
Identifying an imbalance in your life doesn't mean you have to rush out and try to bring it into balance. Rather than resisting the imbalance, or taking a position that lack of balance is bad, you can just relax and accept it as what is happening in this moment.

John-Roger, DSS
When you're traveling across the country in a car, you are in a state of constant change. You don't have to get out of balance, upset, or disturbed because the scenery is changing. Similarly, parts of your life pattern will always be in a state of change. That's just the way it is set up. You don't have to get out of balance when things change for you.

John-Roger, DSS

August 23, 2005

When practicing the Sound Current and riding this wave of God's energy and the Light that is with that, we have to look for where that is, not for where we would like it to be. It is where it is. Listen - not just hear, but listen. That means an attentive, psychological set to perceive audibly what is truly going on for you. Then you may hear it. To know God, to see God, to worship God, to praise God is man's ultimate destiny. It's not a destination where you do it and then you stop. It's a destiny, meaning a continual ongoing thing of doing this without reward except finding and worshipping and seeing and loving God as God is God. Not as your figment, not as your mythology, but as it is. Everyone is going to find that. You don't want to delay.

John-Roger, DSS
When things are made new in your heart, you start to feel wonderful about life. You get up with an attitude of, "Good morning, God," instead of, "Oh, God. . . morning." You are actually excited to get out of bed and meet the day that God has created for you, and you rush right out into it.

John-Roger, DSS
It's important to maintain our optimism so that we will find what is always present inside us. When we find it, it is not an end, signaled with a bell or a round of applause; it is a new beginning, and it is ongoing. Soul is here, now.

John-Roger, DSS

August 20, 2005

As the desire to experience true love awakens in your awareness, you find yourself on what is called the spiritual path. It is a path to come closer into the consciousness of Spirit and the consciousness that is the Soul and is God. As you step upon the spiritual path and choose to come closer to a source of true love, that one who can be the revelation comes forward. One can come forward as the spiritual teacher and the one who is standing in as a manifestation of the action of God and the loving of God. It then is a process of you surrendering to that one. The spiritual teacher is one that God is ordaining and God is guiding. It becomes a process that is a discovery for all involved.

John Morton, DSS
As kindness comes in infinite forms, there is no shortage of creative opportunity for expressing it. Kindness can be enormously fun to practice because it often catches people by surprise. You can see their faces slowly melt into a smile or break out into a grin.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul, which is your greatest reality, is perfect. You are already perfect in who you are and what you are.

John-Roger, DSS
This process of spiritual exercises (s.e.'s) is much like going into a gas station to put gasoline in the car: while you are chanting your tone, in essence, you are filling up the gas tank, adding oil, checking the battery, washing the windows, seeing that there is air in the tires. All of these necessities are being taken care of. So there is a lot of activity going on during s.e.'s. The mind often goes here and goes there, the emotions are out there, and you may think, "I'm not getting anywhere." You are filling up the gas tank, cleaning the windows, checking the battery, and so on. It's not very often that in the process of doing spiritual exercises you will consciously Soul travel. It's rare. But at night when you go to sleep, we kick over the motor, and away we travel. Then you may wake up in the morning and find you are almost out of gas. You think, "What happened?" What happened is that we were using your energy, your "gasoline," to get going and travel. You may think, "I can hardly get out of bed." Fill up the gas tank. "What do I do?" Start chanting again. You say, "Was I clear full of gas before I went to bed last night?" No, you were about three-eights full, so we could only take you so far because we had to leave enough so you could get out of bed in the morning. "How do I get full?" Chant twenty-four hours a day. Continually be chanting. Continually be filling up with gas. Isn't that the smartest thing to do?

John-Roger, DSS