
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

To anchor yourself in the past as a point of refuge or security is to drag anchor in this whole process that is life. You'll never really get out into the ocean to see what is going on. To project yourself into the future means you will never have fulfillment in the present. If God is delivering everything now (and believe me, that is so), why are you concerned with the past or future?

John-Roger, DSS
When the human consciousness inflicts itself upon another human consciousness - when it creates harm, hurt, pain, etc., through physical action, thought patterns, verbal expression, dishonesty, deceit, financial fraud, emotional control patterns, or any other way - it is held accountable for that and will be given the opportunity to clear the action and bring it into balance. No one has the right to harm or hurt another, in any way. When that happens, the action must be balanced; it is the law of cause and effect. If you cause imbalance, the effect is that the imbalance is returned to you, as its creator, and you get to make it right. This, in essence, is the action of karma. It is a just and fair action. And it is the creation of karmic situations that institutes the action of reincarnation.

John-Roger, DSS

June 07, 2005

In our process of dealing with the world, we play two sides. One side we could refer to as the negative, the painful, or the disturbing. The other side would be the loving, the light, and the beautiful. As we learn to play this game between two sides, we realize that one is more of our nature, or sometimes it's more of the way we would like to be. In other words, we can look upon ourselves as actually being unloving, or dark, or deep down inside, I'm no good. We can still realize, however, that underneath our negative picture of ourselves is the desire to be good. Choosing the good can be done regardless of what the world is dealing out.

John Morton, DSS
Babies and very young children are masters at choosing connection and oneness. Given a choice, they will almost always choose connection and, in their choosing, they often express a quality of innocence that I have since recognized as being a quality of the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
Be selective. Attempt to discern the Spirit that you sense communicating with you. Check your levels carefully to see if you can detect where that communication is coming from. Out of past programming by your parents or your school? Out of the basic self attempting to complete some past pattern? Out of a level of fear not wanting to face reality? There are a lot of possibilities.

John-Roger, DSS

June 04, 2005

You love just because you're going to love. A statement of your maturing behavior is, "I love you because of who I am."

John-Roger, DSS
Reach out and embrace the Mystical Traveler in your inner awareness. Know that form as the essence of yourself, your Inner Master, which is closer to you than your breath, more real than any other level. Know that in the Traveler's love, you are walking straight into the heart of God, and awaken to the pure form of God's beingness.

John-Roger, DSS
You are placed on the planet with everything you need already inside you. You can't be upset unless you allow it. You can't be controlled unless you allow it. This puts you in a unique position. You are a creator. You can create discord or harmony, despair or happiness, depression or joy, lack or productiveness.

John-Roger, DSS
Some problems don't have to be solved by actions or words. Time will solve some problems in and of itself. It can happen if you are strong and loving enough to get out of the way and let Spirit work in Its own perfect timing.

John-Roger, DSS
The spiritual master is one who stands in representing the consciousness of loving. As we seek that consciousness in the world through a direct relationship, often we are looking for what we would call a true love. We want to find somebody we can truly love, where the fullness and the power of our own loving can be entirely opened and revealed to us. We want to find someone who has the consciousness to fully accept and love who we are and then return that loving in the fullness of who they are. As we realize this consciousness, we come to a place of knowing that it is beyond a personality, and we start seeking it in someone who has that wisdom as a direct experience.

John Morton, DSS