
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You can study in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness for twenty years and in the first two years, say, "I progressed so much, you can't believe it." Those were easy miles. You were fresh, vital, wide-eyed, bushy-tailed. And then the next eighteen miles were uphill, downhill, over rocks, hiding, waiting, climbing, mud. You're being tried out. This is not just something to do; it's much more difficult, because you don't know what you're going to have to deal with inside of yourself. On the outside, that last mile is going to look very similar to the first one. But on the inside, along the way, you will have the demons of your own self to overcome. You may be up against others' opinions of you and what you're doing, quitting, self-judgment, doubt, fear. These times of self-honesty and introspection are when you start to open up to the strength of the Spirit. It's called confronting your own ego dilemmas, your own demons of failure, and your own demons of the god of opinion, and stepping forward and acknowledging that you have every one of them, and continuing on anyway. Pretty soon, that acknowledgement that they're there also, starts to disempower them.

John-Roger, DSS
You might say, "John-Roger, what would you do if nobody loved you?" Well, at least I'd know where the love is coming from because I'd love myself. And I would respect that, I would honor that, and I would do that.

John-Roger, DSS
To have abundance in Soul does not mean having lots of things; it means having access to, and communication with, the essence of all things. Once you are in touch with that, you have all things inside you. You don't feel any lack. You have fullness and gratitude, and you walk free, knowing that whatever you need will come to you.

John-Roger, DSS
You have a duty to your employer. He (or she) has invested himself with you, trusted you to carry out a job for him. Your dharma is to hold that trust sacred and to do all you can to complete the job correctly.

John-Roger, DSS
As we form an attitude of unloving towards anything or anyone, we are actually always forming that attitude towards ourselves. One of the ways unloving can be recognized in our consciousness is that a hardness or harshness comes into our being. As hardness comes into our being, then we become calloused and insensitive. As we become more insensitive, then our perceptions portray a harsh and painful world in which we find ourselves. It then becomes easier to adopt an attitude towards the world resulting in our experiencing more harshness, negativity, and pain. We are then less capable of being loving, which is what we're here for. Make it simple on yourself. Be the loving.

John Morton, DSS
The simplicity and the innocence that is the Soul becomes somewhat overpowered by the demands of the world. When Dad criticizes you, it's hard to remember that you are precious and perfect in God's eyes. When your friends think you're a nerd for wanting to go with your family on a camping trip, it's hard to connect to the truth inside of you or to recognize its value. When your mom withdraws her love and becomes angry and cold, it's hard to imagine that you might still be a good person. And it's almost impossible not to believe that, if you could just mold your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and body to a form that would please those all-important and powerful people around you, you would belong. And you would be safe. And you would be whole. That is the promise our families, our culture, and our world seem to hold out to us. But there is another promise, a spiritual promise made to us by God, that we are already loved and valued for who we are, not for what we do or say, not for how we look, not for our jobs, and not for whether or not we agree with those around us. The spiritual promise is that we are all heirs to the kingdom of God because we are the sons and daughters of God. And our Souls are our beacon to guide us home to that safe haven, no matter how difficult we have made our journey.

John-Roger, DSS
It has often been said that it takes great courage to see the face of God. And this is true because you must see past all the illusions of the lower levels to see the face of God. You must see past the conditioning of this world and this society. You must see past the illusion of your own senses. You must see past your own dilemmas. God is present in everything. God is entirely present, all the time. Your dilemma is your misunderstanding of the absolute "hereness" and "nowness" of God's presence. And in your misunderstanding, you give yourself over to negative power, to the dilemma.

John-Roger, DSS
It is important to take time for yourself each day - time to focus into your spiritual awareness, time to drop the physical concerns of the moment and once again become aware that you are spiritual, that you are divine, that you are, through your Soul, an extension of the supreme God.

John-Roger, DSS
You have the essence of love inside you, fully present and formless. You do not need someone else to reflect love to you; you can experience it directly from the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS

May 21, 2005

We're always in relationship to something - to where we find ourselves, to who we face, to who was there when we took our first breath and who is there when we take our last breath, and to who's there in between. Somewhere along the way, we find that we want something more than what's inside of us. That's part of the function of this world: to get us involved in expression, to take us from the place we are and move us forward. That in itself is an illusion, because the reality is we come to where we already are. But the world has a way of bringing us out and bringing the expression forward that's necessary to know that each of us is already present with himself or herself.

John Morton, DSS