
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Moving your inner awareness into your Soul is easy, but it's just as easy to lose that awareness. You can fall out of awareness because the world doesn't seem to support spiritual awakening. Spirit lets you in easily, but It has to give way to the materiality of the world. The material world has a billion distractions, so it's necessary to watch where you place your focus and your motivation for creating what you want. If you want to know God, keep your eyes on God.

John-Roger, DSS
If you buy into comparisons, you may feel as if you are less than zero. You might think there must be something wrong with you. You may think that you should get an implant, take a dozen vitamin E capsules a day, or see a therapist - anything but accept yourself as you are. Some people may think, "How can I accept myself as I am? Did you see them? They're perfect and I'm zero." If you buy that image and compare, of course you can lose. That's the trap of comparisons. Even if you see someone that you think you are better than, you can be sure that someone better than you is around the corner of comparisons. There is a way to win, and that isn't by trying to fit any form out there. It is by accepting the unique, marvelous person you are, right here and now. Know that you are endowed with a physical body designed for you. Do you want to improve it? You can always exercise and eat proper foods.

John-Roger, DSS
When you don't love it all and you don't forgive it all, then you're basically holding yourself back. All that is needed is to decide whether you love and forgive yourself. Once you make that choice you choose the blessings.

John Morton, DSS
Spiritual Exercises are not an expression intended for this physical level. Spiritual exercises are, in fact, the exercises that permit your consciousness to transcend the physical, and awaken to the glory of Spirit in the higher realms.

John-Roger, DSS
Personal integrity requires that you evaluate yourself almost continuously. The one we look at as the ideal for personal integrity is Christ. We also know that Christ resides in us. How do we know this? In the Bible and other sacred scriptures and inspired writings, there is the statement that God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipresent (everywhere). "Everywhere" includes you. Jesus Christ said that what he does, you, too, shall do, and even greater (John 14:12).

John-Roger, DSS

May 05, 2005

Why is it regarded as unusual to own up to how good you are, how spiritual you are, how beautiful you are? People will readily own up to how bad they are, how stubborn and full of guilt and anxiety they are, how they screwed things up, and how they've wasted their life. So why not the positive?

John-Roger, DSS
As you create positive effects, you will be dissolving past karmic bonds and will not be creating additional karmic debts. You will be moving into freedom. This is why I am so very careful with everyone I meet. I state over and over that I am responsible only for what I say and do. If someone tries to involve me in their illusion, you will hear me say, "I'm not part of that; I'm not involved in that." I do not let anyone get me into anything. You have the same right. You have the same freedom. If someone tries to get you to do something that does not feel clear to you, just let them know. Say, "I don't feel clear doing that. I don't feel comfortable. I'm not going to be involved. If you want to do it, go ahead; I'm not part of it." And go your way. You are responsible for what you create. It is wise to be careful.

John-Roger, DSS

May 03, 2005

The primary work of MSIA is Soul transcendence, which is not of this physical level. Yet in the world, we have nine areas of focus in this lineage we're following: health, wealth and happiness; abundance, prosperity, and riches; loving, caring, and sharing. Four of those qualities have to do with the material level in a very direct way: riches, abundance, prosperity, wealth. Those address an inner experience, of course, but they also address the material level as well, that we are called upon to manifest these qualities on the physical level and to demonstrate for others how God's blessings can be brought forth here.

John Morton, DSS
To have that loving, peaceful feeling inside, no matter what was happening on the physical level, I knew I could (and would) sacrifice everything I had known in the world. To have that loving consciousness entirely present, I was willing to let go of my ego demands, my entrenched positions of personality, my opinions and points of view. I wanted this sense of expanded consciousness so badly that I was willing to give up everything if I could just be that and know that every day. To have that loving, joyous feeling, to have that complete attunement, to know that oneness that never ends - that would be worth everything. I was experiencing a glimpse of the spiritual promise, the awareness that I was loved by Spirit and by God and that I was safe.

John-Roger, DSS
You can never confront and win with resistance. To win, you confront each situation by slowly expanding your energy field, your ego field, and reaching out to meet and encompass the new situation. If you just meet each situation, one at a time, it's very easy. As soon as you feel like, "Oh, I'm blowing it; it's falling on my head," pull your energy field back in and shore it up again; hold steady. Maybe you hold steady for a month, just holding your balance, looking at the situation, thinking, "Why does it think it can outlast me? While it is in a state of change, I can be in a state of spiritual holding and fulfillment, and outlast the change." That inquiry and that realization throws you right back into the center, into Spirit and Soul.

John-Roger, DSS