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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Spirit is the purest essence in all creation, including the worlds of the physical plane and the worlds of the higher planes. Since Spirit is pure essence, anything that manifests must manifest from Spirit. It most often appears as nothing. Scientists have traced the elements of creation to subatomic particles, but they don't know what is beyond. Subatomic particles are manifestations from Spirit, and they can be created or brought together by the power of the mind. Because the mind has tremendous power, it is important to be careful in using it. When a person reaches a point of mastership of creation, they can manifest whatever they want. There is a man in India who can do this. He is such a master that he doesn't have to formally sit down and gather the energy together; he simply commands it mentally and brings into physical existence whatever he wishes to create. You can learn to use this energy to elevate yourself and others into a higher state of consciousness, by radiating this energy through the consciousness and increasing the energy level of the body.

John-Roger, DSS
Forgive yourself.

John-Roger, DSS
The Soul is what you want to identify with. Find every way you can to know your Soul more completely. Consciously maintaining a loving and positive attitude, no matter what is happening around you, will assist you. Giving of yourself to others will also assist you. There are lots of ways to attune yourself to the Soul. Experiment. Find the ways that work for you and that give you a sense of oneness with everything and everyone.

John-Roger, DSS

March 02, 2005

When you see the Lord, catch up. When you stray the Lord is prepared to follow you and follows wherever you go calling to you to come to where you belong, waiting ever patiently until you choose to return.

John Morton, DSS
If you're not going to have humor in your marriage, I suggest you reexamine your relationship because very few things on this planet can last without humor. Humor is often the only release from tension that cannot be resolved intellectually.

John-Roger, DSS
You married because your lover was more clearly manifesting to you your own radiant form of God. It's when your lover starts clouding that up that you start yelling and pushing: "Let go. Show me that God-form again."

John-Roger, DSS
What does a Soul look like? It could look like a purple ball or a white or gold one. It could look like the picture of a master, a picture of Jesus or Buddha or Krishna. As you put that image in front of you, it can start erasing the energy from the lower wishful thinking that you have created (like the ones for the new car, the great sex life, the money, etc.). You can program out the lower desires and start placing higher ideals in front of you. Your mechanisms for success will start pulling you right into the ideal. You can just assume you're going to reach it - because if that's what you keep in front of you, you will.

John-Roger, DSS
We have a duty and a responsibility to the people who are older than we are. We can respect their wisdom and their longevity. The Bible says to honor thy father and mother that your days may be long upon this plane. It means more than the father and mother of your flesh and blood; it means people older than you. We respect them for their experience. Maybe they don't have all the wisdom in the world, but they have had experience that is valid. You can tap that experiential level in them and draw it forward, and that can become your experience also. You can experience it through them. It is the same as if you went out and did it. There is little difference because the experience is the same inside of you. This is tremendously valuable, if you use it.

John-Roger, DSS

February 25, 2005

When you go to see the Soul, you mostly see your thoughts and nothing else. So you say, "There's nothing else. If there were, I would be able to see it." You can't see the Soul's existence because it is wrapped up in you. Your Soul is what keeps you alive, not your mind. The mind, as strong as it seems, is not always to be trusted. The Soul is solid ground. On the level of Soul, you don't grab. You can't possess, and you can't hold on to anything. Whatever you try to possess, you lose. You can't even possess your own body. But if you love yourself, if you love the Soul within, you have access to all things.

John-Roger, DSS

February 24, 2005

The evidence is, you're here now. And this is a place of protection. This is a place where all Souls are embraced, held like a babe in the arms that is newly born and welcomed as the Promised One, the One who God has spoken of through all time.

John Morton, DSS