
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

You don't necessarily feel blissful when you are in the Soul. You are very centered and consciously aware of what is, but you aren't experiencing an emotion per se. You don't necessarily think of what's happening when you're in the Soul; you are clearly perceiving what is happening, but it isn't a thought. There aren't influences of the unconscious or subconscious playing upon you when you are centered in the Soul. You are simply functioning from a place of knowing direction. It can be a very calm, matter-of-fact, solid place to be.

John-Roger, DSS
Continuity is, "I'm keeping my eyes on you Lord, only you." Then everywhere you look you see the Lord. You've got to get that part and get it connected back in.

John-Roger, DSS
When you look at anything through the Light of God's Spirit, the positive form is the only thing that will hold steady; you can't hold the negative form. In the moment of letting go of old disturbances, you may even see how disturbances from your past served you and helped you grow. That's the positive form.

John-Roger, DSS

January 31, 2005

The mystical traveler is a scientist of the Spirit.

John Morton, DSS
It's a good idea to involve yourself in discovering who you truly are. That way, you can change the things that are not working for you and create positive movement inside of you.

John-Roger, DSS
The Light works the way it works. It doesn't always work the way you think it should work or the way you would like it to work. It is the most powerful force on the planet and the most powerful force in your life. If you are open to it and develop your awareness of it and learn to flow with it, you find your life unfolding in the most beautiful, dynamic, creative and loving ways imaginable.

John-Roger, DSS

January 28, 2005

When you love, you don't look at anything as being a burden or a sacrifice, and you may not be overly concerned about the truth. When you love, you're in an area of faith all the time, the living faith that is demonstrated continually.

John-Roger, DSS

January 27, 2005

Use your spiritual exercise time to experience "now" as the pure and perfect moment that it is. If you are concerned about a mistake you made at work, forget it in the moment of your spiritual exercises. It is not now. If you are concerned about your relationship with your spouse or lover, let it go. Sacrifice your concern and use the energy that you would have put into worrying to lift higher in the Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS

January 26, 2005

One way to tell if you are functioning in the Christ is to see if you complete things in the world. If you do, you're ascending. If you don't, you may be descending. If you have too many jobs, too many things to do, cut out some of them. Be wise. Don't take on more than you can handle. Take on just the thing you can complete. Those things that are not completed are thrown right back at you, and you must take the responsibility for them.

John-Roger, DSS

January 25, 2005

Our dream is the dream of God, the dream of our own divinity.

John-Roger, DSS