
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

February 20, 2005

Your questions, your doubts, and your fears are not living love. Do everything in God's name, and you will be walking straight toward God.

John-Roger, DSS
The greatest secret is that the journey is already over before it has begun. You are already there. That one for whom you seek is already present. Why is this a secret? Because so few claim it. Do you? With your next breath?

John-Roger, DSS

February 18, 2005

There is a tribe in Africa that captures monkeys by having the monkey grab a salt rock through a small opening of a termite mound. The monkeys would get captured because they would not let go of the salt rock and move to freedom. Living in limited beliefs can bring results you likely do not want. You have an opportunity instead to live in freedom.

John Morton, DSS
God's power is inherent in your being through the Soul. It is the pearl of such great price that to reach it, you must undergo a complete transformation of consciousness and learn to take full responsibility for what you put in motion. You learn to complete what you begin. If your creation is of the physical world, complete it here. If it is of the imagination, finish it there. If it's emotional, resolve it in the emotions. If it is of the mind, finish your thoughts. Don't start things you don't intend to finish. Watch carefully your commitments in the world. Keep them realistic, and only make commitments you can keep. When you do, you experience freedom.

John-Roger, DSS
To know more of the Soul, look with the eyes and hear with the ears of gratitude.

John-Roger, DSS
Q: If someone says they are being true to themselves and yet they are standing all by themselves, would that be an indication they are rebellious rather than standing in their integrity? J-R: Perhaps they are being true to their ego, their feelings, their beliefs, or the rules they've made in their minds. Those factors aren't the True Self, but the personality. When a person is true to the personality, they are being true to what they pretend is, instead of what is.

John-Roger, DSS
Turn to the Spirit. Turn to your own beingness, knowing that all is present - in this moment.

John-Roger, DSS
In Spirit, there is no time and no space. Everything exists right now, in eternity, as One. There is no division, no separation. One Soul is all Souls. Jesus said, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." (John 14:9) He demonstrated tremendous understanding, seeing Himself through all others.

John-Roger, DSS

February 12, 2005

If you are having difficulties in a relationship, look at whether you are trying to control the person and wanting them to be different than they are. Set them free, allow them to behave the way they behave. It is not your place to interfere with their life expression as much as it is your place to not allow interference to your life expression. Have you considered that this is a test for you? Have you considered how you would pass the test? Look for the living truth. Relax and be patient as you experience the living truth. Always be loving in all ways.

John Morton, DSS
Letting love flow through is very easy. All you do is move to a neutral position - not one of belief or disbelief, not one of judgment or prejudice, but one of receptiveness. As soon as you judge, you strike against love.

John-Roger, DSS