
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

January 27, 2005

Use your spiritual exercise time to experience "now" as the pure and perfect moment that it is. If you are concerned about a mistake you made at work, forget it in the moment of your spiritual exercises. It is not now. If you are concerned about your relationship with your spouse or lover, let it go. Sacrifice your concern and use the energy that you would have put into worrying to lift higher in the Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS

January 26, 2005

One way to tell if you are functioning in the Christ is to see if you complete things in the world. If you do, you're ascending. If you don't, you may be descending. If you have too many jobs, too many things to do, cut out some of them. Be wise. Don't take on more than you can handle. Take on just the thing you can complete. Those things that are not completed are thrown right back at you, and you must take the responsibility for them.

John-Roger, DSS

January 25, 2005

Our dream is the dream of God, the dream of our own divinity.

John-Roger, DSS
The sun keeps rising and setting, the moon keeps waxing and waning, and in spite of all the messes you get yourself into, and all the trouble you bring on yourself, everything turns out okay. Now, who do you think is doing all that?

John-Roger, DSS

January 23, 2005

Never underestimate the ability of the Divine powers that be to work out what is coming from clear intention.

John Morton, DSS
Soul Transcendence is the practice of awareness: awareness of yourself, awareness of your Soul, awareness of God. Beyond all the activities of this life, beyond successes and failures, beyond relationships, beyond acquisitions, there is the Soul. It is what outlasts all the rest of it. The Soul is what you can count on. It is the vehicle for your expression here. When you were born to this physical earth, the Soul was your vehicle, and it will be your vehicle when you leave this earth plane.

John-Roger, DSS

January 21, 2005

Q: How do you stay true to yourself? J-R: By finding the trueness. That is done by going past all the obstacles, including the personalities and human factors, and continuing to say "next" to whatever appears. We come to that place where there is no "second"; there is only oneness, and that oneness is integrity. When you come to that place, it's the true experience of being born again. There's no need to be true to that because you are that. There is no leaving that place again. You can leave it in vocabulary and dialogue, but you can't leave it in trueness. For instance, you can agree with somebody just to agree with them so you can get to another point they're talking about, but you're not actually in agreement with them. I might say, "Yes, I agree with your point," but I'm not in agreement that your point is true or valid. To agree with somebody is not agreement, and agreement is a form of integrity - a giving of your word.

John-Roger, DSS
As we start to do spiritual exercise, we go back in and begin contemplating what we see. Not that we strain to see; that will block you. Instead, let go and let God. Relax and be patient.

John-Roger, DSS

January 19, 2005

Should you love others more than you love yourself? No, because it is through loving yourself unconditionally that you enter into the Spirit that resides within you. That's when you become a real joy to be around. That's when you discover the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
If you don't enter into the negative expressions of revenge, hurt, despair, etc., you will keep yourself open and present for your next experience, which may be a beautiful one. If you do go into the negative aspects, you may block the next experience that is coming forward.

John-Roger, DSS