
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

My daily practice of spiritual exercises revealed to me that my Soul values most those things which reflect its own nature. I see this in other people's expressions, as well as my own. I see that the Soul values the awareness of God and Spirit. It values loving, integrity, joy, and peace. It values laughter and the feeling of family, of belonging. It does not value money or cars or houseboats, skis or skateboards, televisions and computers. These are things of the world. They may be tools to accomplish physical goals, and as such, they are useful. But they are not what matters most to the Soul in its journey home to God.

John-Roger, DSS

September 08, 2004

In case you don't already know this, it's terrific to ask for the Light to surround and protect your car when you are driving. If you take that energy of Spirit and see it all around your car, you'll find you just won't be having accidents. You may come close, but you'll miss. You may find yourself being extra sharp, becoming aware of all sorts of things you ordinarily don't notice. You might be aware that the fellow in the car ahead is having a fight with his wife, and intuitively you know that following a man who is fighting with his wife is not very safe. You find yourself moving away from him. That's the Light working for you. You might be in a hurry and be pushing your speed up over the limit - and then all of a sudden find yourself driving the speed limit just as a highway patrolman passes you. The Light works in all sorts of ways. The Light may not work for you in big, obvious miracles. But you may find yourself making the right moves at the right times, allowing your life to flow easily into joyful situations.

John-Roger, DSS

September 07, 2004

As we are looking for ourselves, we often see ourselves in others who are open to reflect. We then love them, not just for who they are, but for that reflection of our love in them. What we're really saying is, "When I'm with you, that place inside of me that is loving awakens."

John-Roger, DSS

September 06, 2004

Turn the Light of your consciousness on yourself and bring yourself awake.

John-Roger, DSS
It is through the vehicle of the Soul that each one of us entered into the physical earth-plane. It is through the vehicle of the Soul that we all shall leave this physical earth-plane. While we are here, we experience this level and accept that which is our experience. The Soul is safe and secure here, protected by its divinity. It remains connected to God, to Spirit, to the Light. As we attune to it, we can enhance our sense of divinity and oneness and bring to ourselves greater joy, peace, loving.

John-Roger, DSS

September 04, 2004

Do those things that support your faith and just leave the rest to God. It's a great arrangement.

John Morton, DSS

September 03, 2004

Maybe your goal is to find God. How do you do that? In awe, in wonder, in honor. You find the invisible God by finding the God in the physical manifestations of those around you.

John-Roger, DSS

September 02, 2004

Rejoice in the Oneness that all of us have with Spirit.

John-Roger, DSS

September 01, 2004

What you put out is returned to you. You might want to look very carefully at the actions, the words, the thoughts, and the emotions that you put out, to make sure that they are the kind of things that you would want returned to you. Often there is a comparatively large time gap between the instigation of an action and its result; the cause and the effect. This is one reason why it is difficult for people to recognize the relationship between the cause and the effect.

John-Roger, DSS
Even though you may not be sitting down doing spiritual exercises in a formal way like, "I'm going to sit down fifteen to thirty minutes every day," you've still been doing spiritual exercises because you reflect on them. Do you understand what I'm saying? You could be driving down the road and think, "I haven't done spiritual exercises in awhile," and they start to take place. They are not run from this level. They are run from another level. All we have to do is intentionalize them.

John-Roger, DSS