
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Be awake to life, inner and outer. When you see a new baby, let the newness of that life and the closeness to God awe you and bring you a sense of wonder.

John-Roger, DSS

August 29, 2004

Walk your talk. Some won't be going where you are going. Keep walking until the Lord gives you pause.

John Morton, DSS
Studies have shown that humor and laughter are good for the immune system. Prayer is good for you. Forgiveness is good for you. Laughter is good for you. Breathing consciously is good for you.

John-Roger, DSS
If we see someone as being imperfect, we're not helping that person into his or her perfection. But if we use someone's imperfect expression as a guideline to direct that person to lift higher, that is not negative creation; that is positive direction. If we point out how a negative function can lead to a positive function, that is useful guidance.

John-Roger, DSS
You cannot allow anything discourteous to get into your mental attitude toward anything or anyone, including yourself. The instant you do, your relationship goes out of balance. There is no emotionalism, no sentimentality, no wishful thinking in all of this. You simply realize that if you identify anything as either intelligent or unintelligent, good or bad, friendly or unfriendly, cooperative or uncooperative, that is precisely how it will appear - for all you experience is the state of your own consciousness being made manifest in your outward experience.

John-Roger, DSS
If you want to experience Soul Transcendence, let yourself explore "what if?" from a place of innocence and wonderment. What if you do have the power to choose light over darkness? What if you have the power to choose connection and oneness over separation and loneliness? To look for the blessings in every moment? To love yourself no matter what?

John-Roger, DSS

August 24, 2004

Onward and upward. Part of what I know about the Spirit is its constant movement which is irrepressible in what is onward, as in cannot be stopped regardless of what appears to be so, and upward, as in higher in the awareness that everything is always becoming more expansive and good.

John Morton, DSS
Come from the inner heart and you will be able to get to that which is causing all things. You will be privy to the sacred esoteric teachings of the inner Light and will get the powerful guidance of the Light of the radiant one we call the Beloved.

John-Roger, DSS
An attitude that will help is just to realize that people are doing the very best they can all the time, considering what they are working with and where they are in their own progression.

John-Roger, DSS
When you do spiritual exercises, gather your awareness and focus it where two imaginary lines would meet if you drew one from just above the top of each ear, and the other from the very center of your forehead straight through to the back of the head. That area is called the spiritual eye or the third eye. Focusing here will bring your awareness up and out of the lower centers of your body, and you will begin to see more clearly. You begin to see spiritually, rather than in terms of this world.

John-Roger, DSS