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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

The Light, which is the energy force MSIA students are taught to work with, originates in the high, positive realms of pure Spirit. Its energy is positive. Its force can only be used in love and for the highest good of all. It cannot hurt, harm, or destroy. But it can stir up negativity that has remained dormant for a long time, bring it up into consciousness, and cause it to be cleared. On the word level, you can think of the Light as an acronym for Living In God's Holy Thoughts. In reality, the Light is the indescribable essence of God.

John-Roger, DSS
"Gaining experience" is the Soul's prime directive on this planet.

John-Roger, DSS
What are you going to make more important than your total liberation as a spiritual being in this world and in the spiritual world?

John-Roger, DSS
In this time, once again, the spiritual message of our oneness with God is being shared, and there is another gift being given as well. The message has been that in the latter days, God would pour His Spirit out upon humanity and would make the heart that was hard become tender and loving. That is the message now, for this time.

John-Roger, DSS

June 11, 2004

Whenever two or more are gathered in the name of the Lord, God serves you. Strive to lift your awareness past the binds of early travails and attachments, to the love and Light that is the eternal truth.

John Morton, DSS
Laughter is love being demonstrated, love being expressed. It's so good and healing to be able to laugh at yourself and with yourself. If you take yourself too seriously, you are going to fall to your knees before too long and have the world on your back. That may be a very hard burden.

John-Roger, DSS
If you look at life as being a ladder, you can visualize each "problem" as a rung in that ladder. If you take away the problem, you may take away your potential growth. You learn from your experiences, and often you learn more from your negative experiences than your positive experiences. Those experiences that hit at you and shake you are often the most effective areas of learning.

John-Roger, DSS

June 08, 2004

And what's so nice is that there is no end to it. There is always another turn in the road, another vista opening up, and other awareness coming into view, a deeper level of loving and of commitment to the journey. After a while, you don't really want there to be an end, either, because the journey is so much fun. When you get back in there far enough, in your own awareness of God and Spirit and Soul, you die to this world. Your body doesn't die; it actually comes into its proper place. It comes into alignment with the Spirit, the direction you are going, and as it does, it may become more quiet and create fewer distractions that pull your focus to the outer world.

John-Roger, DSS
Become aware of the divine presence that lives within you, as you, and use this awareness as your springboard into higher consciousness.

John-Roger, DSS

June 06, 2004

Love yourself and everyone else.

John Morton, DSS