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Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

December 07, 2003

It's a very difficult thing to live on this planet, because part of you says, "I'm tired." What we do then is we say, "I want to go into the Unknowable - to God."

John-Roger, DSS
When you teach children, use their language to talk to them. If it's baby talk, you use baby talk. If it's love-talk, you use love-talk. It should all be love-talk. Even when you are saying, "Shhh, be quiet," the child should not hear any harshness. The child should hear, "I love you very much; please be quiet now."

John-Roger, DSS
The truly religious or spiritual person who performs his dharma responsibly, who follows spiritual laws of acceptance, understanding, empathy, perseverance, love, joy, creativity and manifestation, will do very well on this physical realm, as well as gaining spiritual freedom.

John-Roger, DSS

December 04, 2003

There is a way that children are to be raised that God has already established as an order. One thing that keeps me somewhat sane in the process is to realize I'm not the one raising my children. That is something that God does, and I get to be a witness. And every once in awhile, I put myself in a position so that I can partake in what God is doing with my children in such ways that I am humbled and inspired by it, knowing that there is nothing happening on this planet that has a higher order than the way children are being raised.

John Morton, DSS
Use everything that happens as an opportunity to direct you into your own evolvement.

John-Roger, DSS
The spiritual consciousness of humanity extends through all realms, reaching from its home in the Soul realm down to the physical realm. In that sense, it exists on all realms simultaneously. Your awareness of one realm may be greater than of others, however, depending on the evolvement of your individual consciousness.

John-Roger, DSS
Keep it simple. Prayer does not have to be complicated. Remember, you don't have to spell out all the details. All you need to do is place the situation in God's hands and let God handle the results. At the end of your prayer, you can add the phrase "for the highest good of all concerned," or just "for the highest good," to acknowledge that you might not know what's best in the situation but a higher power does.

John-Roger, DSS
The mental level of peacefulness is created by the thoughts that you hold in your mind. Thoughts of grief or anger create those feelings inside of you. Happy thoughts create a sense of happiness.

John-Roger, DSS

November 29, 2003

Once we come upon that consciousness of who we are, we hit the Spirit and the Soul of our being, which radiates and is aware of the God essence. Then we just get it as our natural course - to live and enjoy life and to constantly grow, so that every experience that comes to us is a nurturing experience at the level of the Soul.

John Morton, DSS

November 28, 2003

Soul transcendence is what this is about. Spiritual exercises are about how to move into Soul transcendence. Being of service to yourself and others is a spiritual exercise, and it's the highest form of consciousness on the planet because it includes loving. Loving is not necessarily 100 percent of service, but it is usually the keynote of service.

John-Roger, DSS