
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

Learn to work from a selfless nature.

John-Roger, DSS
And when you drop this body and you release all these levels, you will find yourself moving up in this current of Light and Sound into God, and at that point you will truly say, "This I am."

John-Roger, DSS
There eventually comes a time when you realize, "I want the real thing, I want my Source, I want to awaken and throw off these layers of illusion and the perceptions that are not real. I want to take to the truth of who I am." As you put truth forth in your consciousness, the Traveler comes forward to meet you and work with you to do those things that are truthful. But it's kind of like you need to be the one to take off the layers, and it really requires that you stop the negative as your identification, focus, and choice. Then the truth that sets you free from the negativity is engaged in your fulfillment and liberation.

John Morton, DSS
In time, you can reconnect with the enthusiasm of Spirit as quickly as you take your next breath. You can breathe in awareness and breathe out enthusiasm. It can become as regular as your heartbeat. When you have created the habit of continually reconnecting, the Soul energy replaces the personality as the center of consciousness. The Soul will still use the mind, the emotions, and the body as vehicles through which to function, but instead of being distracted by the personality, you will be focusing from the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
Most people would probably say that a successful marriage is based on unconditional loving. The truth is, however, that people usually don't marry because of unconditional loving; they marry for conditioned loving. Conditions are presented to each other, including that they love one another unconditionally, based upon conditions. They often demand that the other person fill that empty, lonely, insecure space inside of them, and the person simply doesn't know how to do that. No one knows how to fill up anybody else regardless of all the romantic songs and movies. In fact, very few know how to fill themselves up.

John-Roger, DSS
False-self behavior can keep us busy for a lifetime while nothing really changes. We don't have to change anything. But we may want to change our perspective, our outlook on life. The false self functions in the realm of personality, the ego. In this realm we identify with what we look like, what we do, how much money we have. But what would happen if we shifted our perspective? Instead of seeing ourselves as stressed-out human beings grasping for enlightenment, for some kind of spiritual experience, what if we realized that we are spiritual beings having a human experience? That spiritual being is the true self.

John-Roger, DSS
The addiction to sensation is one of the most subtle. When you become accustomed to sensation, you often feel as if there's something wrong when there is simply a lack of sensation. But sensation is an aspect of the lower levels; the higher levels do not have sensation as we identify it here. So it's important to drop the belief that there must be sensation for something to be happening. There can be action and movement without sensation.

John-Roger, DSS
There's an old saying that can be applied to the use of drugs: "Once a philosopher, twice an addict." You could try drugs once, but it's not necessary to try everything. If you saw someone put his hand on a hot stove and get burned, you wouldn't do it. You'd believe that it would burn you, too. Some people don't believe it, and they'll have to touch the stove themselves and say, "Oh, that's hot." After four or five dozen have done that, others might say, "You know, there might be something about this that will burn." Some people are sharp enough to watch other people's experiences and learn from them. We call it vicarious functioning. This is when we get to be students in a big way.

John-Roger, DSS

March 21, 2006

If you accept the responsibility to give your peace, and use the words, "Peace be still, I love you, God bless you, I give you my peace," consider that you will be tested. Not at a level you can't handle, but at a level where you have the peace to give. So when some situation, or some person comes to you and you don't want to give them your peace, that's the moment I'm talking about. That's the turning point in your existence. That's when you decide if you go to Hades, or the great oblivion, or the fathomless chasm, whatever you want to call it. Or it's the moment of your resurrection, when the angels of mercy sing your name in praise, because you have chosen this day to live in peace.

John Morton, DSS
Over time, our beliefs and conditioning can build up and become more complex. They start to take on a life of their own. People may find themselves disagreeing about religious issues automatically, without even considering whether their responses are rational. It's easy to forget that the basis of most of the world's spiritual teachings is love. When people tell me they don't believe in God, I ask them if they have ever experienced love. Nearly always they say yes. To me, if you have experienced love, you have experienced God.

John-Roger, DSS