
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

March 06, 2006

Sit down and do these spiritual exercises. Get yourself ready so that you can receive of this. Go into that quiet place to do spiritual exercises. Call the Light in now to surround you. "I'd like the Light to surround me, protect me, fill me, to remove all negativity, and only that which is for my highest good to be allowed forward. So be it."

John-Roger, DSS
Give of the goodness that you are. Give of the truth that you are. Give of the Spirit that you are. The reward will be that you know those aspects of yourself more deeply and truly. The Spirit will become more alive and present for you in every moment, and you will walk hand in hand with the Beloved and know yourself and God as one.

John-Roger, DSS
This day you can choose, right in this moment, if you want to lead a miserable, agonizing life. You're going to be a day older no matter how you choose. When you think you're there, keep going on. When somebody says, "You're wrong, I'm right," give them a chance to explain, and in that explanation, you won't be knocking them over. When the Light of God knocks on your door, let it knock in such a way that you go up instead of going down. When you go up, there will be all sorts of people grabbing hold of you. When others say, "Well, you wouldn't have gotten there without so-and-so," give a special thanks. This is why masters and teachers always give a special thanks to their guru, because without that one they would not have been able to lift up.

John-Roger, DSS

March 03, 2006

The supply of loving goes beyond anything or anyone that uses it, no matter how much is required.

John Morton, DSS
As you sit in meditation, in spiritual exercises, in silence, in contemplation, you can open to the higher centers of Spirit within you, where the precipitation of abundance starts, and permit it to come down. As it does, it can present itself as intuition, in flashing pictures, forms, colors, and even words that form in the mind to start the manifestation. Sometimes you may energize them with feelings and then physically move on them. As you do that, the by-product is enthusiasm. You can ride the enthusiasm and do things that you may never have thought possible. With such enthusiasm, we have the ability to work longer hours, stay focused, and accomplish things as if they were miracles in a time warp.

John-Roger, DSS
Sometimes it may be for your benefit to look at your mate's concept of you and see if it is accurate or just their conditioned eyes focusing on your imperfections. Just because your mate may see lack of loving in all kinds of things you do and don't do, as the song goes, "It ain't necessarily so." Their experience of you may be closer to their experience of a loss from their past rather than the reality of what is.

John-Roger, DSS
Whenever you react from the false self, you are setting yourself up for defeat. Inevitably, you will exhaust yourself and then attempt to regain energy by filling yourself with the nearest stimulant - alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, junk food. The false self perpetuates itself by saying, "What else could I have done?" The answer is that you could have made a choice from the true self instead. But, you might ask, how does the false self, which doesn't even realize it has choices, make a true-self choice? The key is a positive shift in attitude. This is not "positive thinking," which can be negated by a negative thought, but positive direction, truly understanding that you are a spiritual being, a divine being who is living in the world.

John-Roger, DSS
God meditates me. I don't know how to meditate God or on God, but God meditates me by me putting myself in that position every day at that time to sit there and give God a chance to meditate me or to transform me into whatever it is that's to be done. And since we use spiritual exercises, it's the same thing. You're sitting there, ready, setting yourself up for God to exercise you spiritually, to get you to where you want to go.

John-Roger, DSS
There was a young man who had great potential. He was being taught about the Light and the action of the Light, and he could have moved into an expression of Light consciousness. But he also went to a lot of pot parties with his friends. He was told about the drug action and he said, "I go into the group, and I send them the Light and love them all, so everything is okay." It was explained to him how he could get suckered right into the drug scene because it was a potential karmic path for him. He was at a choice point of either accepting it and going that way, or stepping away from it. He had the knowledge and the ability to choose another path. He said that he did not want to leave his friends, so the recommendation was: "Get new friends." Well, he was a free Soul. No one controlled his life. He's so hooked on narcotics now that his mind is shot. You'll be talking to him about one thing and he'll go off on a tangent. You try to get him back to the subject and he sort of comes back and then takes off again. His mind is following what to him is a logical pattern, but he doesn't know that his mouth isn't matching it. And he thinks you're weird because you're not keeping up with him. This is one of those cases where it's his right to destroy himself as he chooses. And it's his responsibility to go through every bit of the action. The problem is that there is no foundation for spiritual illumination through the illusions involved with drugs.

John-Roger, DSS
As you choose to take on the overcoming of the negativity, it starts neutralizing what you've done that is a debt. That's who the Christ is: It is that consciousness of the Spirit that can pay the debt and neutralize what you owe because of what you've done negatively in your existence. That's a big bill, not a small one. Paying it off to the "last farthing" would feel like eternal hell. It would be, "I'm here from now on because the nature of how I create is that I keep accruing negativity." The other way of relating to it is grace, and you receive as much grace as will serve the highest good of all concerned. As you do the learning, the unnecessary, repetitive part is bypassed through grace. Then, in a way you get to challenge the class and take the test early, and you pass if you can pass the test. The test is going to come in ways like these: Will you love or will you hate? Will you be true or will you be false? Will you give or will you doubt and fear? That's how those tests will come. Prepare now to respond correctly and move on to realize the spiritual promise. You are to know your self wholly as beloved of God.

John Morton, DSS