
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

This rock of your own strength is where the temple of God has been built. The strength of our endurance is only known by the end, and the one who wins is the one who endures to the end.

John-Roger, DSS
Every time our senses are drawn to something outside ourselves, our energy moves in two different directions. We can go ahead and do what our personality and senses want us to do, with no thought to the consequences. Or we can take the higher road and make a conscious choice to assume a more loving and caring approach to life.

John-Roger, DSS
You don't do the spiritual exercises as a way to get out of doing work or to get away from the world or the people you don't like or who don't like you. You don't do them because someone has been saying bad things about you. All of those are avoiding the relationship of yourself and the rest of God's body. You do spiritual exercises as a sacrifice and an offering to the Lord.

John-Roger, DSS

January 10, 2006

The source of loving is inexhaustible. There's no way we can ever exhaust the opportunity to be more loving. Part of the illusion is that the source of loving is finite and somehow loving can be reduced and become unloving. The source of loving is always full, more than full and overflowing in love.

John Morton, DSS
You can use your doubt as a prover, as a tool to inquire, and your inquiry needs to be critical. Not negative, critical. That means looking very closely and precisely at something instead of just running your doubt as information or evidence. Doubt has no information or evidence in it. It has a feeling that things don't fit. If you have that feeling, you then use your intelligence to go in and see either how things do fit or what does not fit. Now you've proven something for yourself. Either way, your doubt has served you.

John-Roger, DSS
Loving is constantly in motion - experiencing, expressing, giving. The loving nature doesn't just say, "I am love," while doing nothing.

John-Roger, DSS
Your experience is so much greater than anything you could ever read in a book. Just because it's been written down doesn't mean that you have to think it's particularly special - for you. Certainly it was special to the author. Only your experience will be special to you. And ultimately it is your experience that will be your teacher.

John-Roger, DSS
It's worthy to worship God; that's worthwhile. We have a name for it. In MSIA we call it spiritual exercises. So we are worshipping God. We're following the Commandments. People get astounded when all of a sudden they go, "God, I have been worshipping God. I just didn't know that." How? With my body, with my mind, and then, with my Soul. How do I know I'm doing that? By the anchors of God's name back into it. And so we get to love God with our body, our mind and our Soul.

John-Roger, DSS

January 05, 2006

Enter into all situations and relationships in a state of love, freedom, and responsibility. You will find life flows more easily for you.

John-Roger, DSS
Does it matter how you get where you're going as long as you get there, as long as you do not inflict or hurt, but you're responsible to yourself, to your own divine inner guidance? It matters little, because the place is already prepared. It has waited and waited and waited for us to claim it. When humanity claims its spiritual heritage, then we will have a new heaven and a new earth, and humans will be able to reign in any dimension as the divineness that they already are.

John-Roger, DSS