
Search the Loving Each Day Quotes

Here are three ways to search through the history of over 5,000 Loving Each Day quotes by John-Roger and John Morton.

October 20, 2005

We have a song in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness that says, "I'm going to love more this day. I'm going to give more than I take. I'm going to live more for the sake of living love." Those are great words to have on your forehead so that you see them going forward into the world.

John Morton, DSS
Question: When I'm working off karma, is there a way that I can be assured that I'm not going to create more? Answer: Do all things in God's name. Place the Light ahead of you in all that you do. Ask always that your actions be for the highest good. You may accrue some karma, but it will be worked off that night in the sleep state and cleared instantly through the grace of the Traveler. This works only if your actions reflect living love, not ego involvement. The best way not to accrue karma is to remain neutral. If you make a mistake, don't feel guilty about it; if possible, go back and clear the mistake. If you have a misunderstanding with someone, just talk to them and clear it with them. Often, karma is produced more by guilt than by the actions themselves. So either enjoy it or don't do it.

John-Roger, DSS
Being loving in the moment is practical spirituality. Practical spirituality is about applying spiritual concepts to day-to-day living. You don't have to try to be spiritual. You already are. But you may have to undo the effects of conditioning to discover your fundamental nature, which is love.

John-Roger, DSS

October 17, 2005

I have found that Spirit seems to be ruthless. Not the type of ruthlessness that hits you on the head or cuts your arm off and lets you bleed to death. But ruthless in the intent that if your intention is not very much focused towards it, it does not indicate to you that it's there. After all the trials, tribulations, troubles that we have gone through to get back inside, and then it doesn't say, "Hello!" or do anything, seems like a gross unfairness to the amount of time and effort that we've put into it. Now here's the paradox: Spirit's always been there.

John-Roger, DSS

October 16, 2005

Your experience of Spirit will allow you to claim authority over your life and your consciousness. It is the only authority that counts for anything.

John-Roger, DSS
People have rules that call one thing failure and another success. I consider each experience a success because it's an opportunity to fulfill my destiny of health, wealth, and happiness. Those experiences that don't present prosperity right away are just other sources of information, telling me what symptom I have to treat, what behavior or attitude I have to change in order to manifest the prosperity that is waiting. If you give in to something that blocks devotion (such as doubt), you can block the very energy that is supporting your success. Instead of retreating to a comfort zone that makes you feel safe but does not move you any closer to the abundance you seek, you can use your doubt to find out how to take the next step. The next step may be just the one that breaks you through to a level of abundance heretofore unknown.

John-Roger, DSS

October 14, 2005

If you exercise your Godhood, you'll live in truth. You'll love. You'll trust and have the compassion that can allow you to overcome your sense of separation, your fears, and your judgments. And when you do that, you automatically take on a greater mantle of love and support that God extends to those who love Him totally. It's a great, great opportunity to be a lover of God because you can exercise grace through the greater connection that comes from true closeness with God.

John Morton, DSS
Don't bring things up to people to point out their imperfection or your perfection; just bring up the possibility that some things can block people from receiving the greater health, wealth, and happiness that is coming to them. Then you can walk away and never say another word to them in that area, because it's their choice. If they weren't aware of the pattern, they may be thankful that you helped them become more aware. They may also say, "I know it now, but I just can't change it yet. Something inside is holding me." That's karma, and that's fine. You can help them get through it, not by judging the karma, but by cooperating with them and holding the Light for them. This is important when you are working with other people, especially with your spouse.

John-Roger, DSS
Our goal is to move from the external power of the personality into the authentic power of the Soul.

John-Roger, DSS
When people hear negative things, what should they do with that? Forget it. Go do spiritual exercises. Go be with the Lord. Why? Because when you're with the Lord, you'll forget it. I mean, the Lord's going to handle it.

John-Roger, DSS